Helpful weeds/plants

Well, the islands are not treeless because of the climate or the soil but because of the sheep! Once trees have gone, sheep prevent them from regrowing. So if you can keep the sheep off, you should be able to grow yourselves a shelter belt. Trees recorded in the islands in the past include willow, downy birch and hazel - horses love those - and alder, which they don't. I don't see why you shouldn't give hawthorn a go.
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I always thought we didn't have manytrees due to the high winds. There are more beef cattle here than sheep (apart from the seaweed loving ones). I am sometimes glad there aren't trees near my house anymore!
Whats best for helping healthy skin/skin issues? Anything natural? Or anygood supplements?
Linseed improves skin and coat, depends what it is you are looking to improve I guess, lots of herbal things can be quite specific