
  1. Durbanskies

    Eventing Barefoot

    Hi there, For my dissertation, I'm looking at the injury risk competing barefoot or shod https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=1m00vXDaWkStHB3f8YXeOJFDMGXSIFtAoc2DvYXUA0RUMVZTVzdXQ1NOOVFaQ1U4MlpENjFCSFlXMS4u if you have evented in the UK and are over the age of 18 please take a...
  2. Hannah Kate

    Confirmation Critiques 14 y/o OTTB

    I would like to hear some critiques about my OTTB also exercises to help his hind end and neck build muscle. His background: He began training in Ireland as a yearling and raced flat races as a 2 y/o. Raced over hurdles and fences from the age of 3 until he had an accident over fences at 11...
  3. Parallax Eventing

    Eventing Working Student Blog from Aiken, SC

    Hi everyone, my name is Aoede. I'm new to the forums, and wanted to introduce myself and my blog. I'm a 29 year old Eventing working student in Aiken, SC. I'm passionate about a career as an Eventer and trainer, and found that being a working student is the best way for me to get there. Since...