Mollichaff calmer


New Member
Aug 15, 2006
North East
Has anyone used this before?

I've just purchased some mollichaff calmer my horse is 15.2hh, the bag I bought was 15kg in weight. It states on the back of the bag she should get 2.25kg a day? It seems like a lot of food I just want to make sure that is correct? She currently is building up with it being a new food?
Being honest the calmer bit is pointless considering the amount of sugar in mollichaff. You would be better off buying a better chaff with less molasses readigrass or topchop or Dengie molasses free range. Bit more expensive but more bang for your buck.
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What exactly in it makes it a calmer? These bags of feed that are sold as calmers are often not much more than a carrier with a very small amount of the actual calmer in them hence why you need to feed so much.
To give an idea, feeding fibre you aim to feed between 1-2% of body weight, I personally don't like to go lower than 1.5% so say you horse is 500kg you would feed 7.5kg of fibre to hit 1.5% as an example.

Feeding a 3rd of that in a fibre feed alone just to add a calmer isn't always cost effective or ideal. Often buying the straights and adding to a carrier feed is better value and really at roughly £10 a bag for 15kg lasting roughly 7 days on RDA is steep!

The 2.25kg is a big chunk of that example and I would split it into at least 2 meals so as to try and maintain trickle feeding. But I'd rather give that in grazing or hay and a token feed with the necessary supplements you would like as that's better forage for the horse compared to bagged feeds.

So IMHO it's alot of feed to give as a feed rather than forage and expensive.
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Totally what @mystiquemalaika says, 2% is the aim for weight maintenance, as low as 1% but only under vet supervision for loss and up to 3% for weight gain. I too prefer them to get most of it from long forage (grass and hay) and give a token feed with a supplement/balancer if necessary to meet daily nutritional requirements plus anything else like joint supplements or calmers.
If you read the back of most bags of chaff they all stated the amount to be feed and it is a lot. A bag of chaff should only last around one week if I remember correctly but happy to be correct of feed at the recommended amount. I don't feed chaff personally as I would rather give more hay and a smaller feed.

The amount should be split down in to smaller feeds as anything over 2.4kg (dry food) is too much for the tummy to digest.
Thank you all for the responses it did feel like a lot of food to feed in one sitting...perhaps I feed a scoop to just put a calmer supplement in. There seems to be a lot of supplements out there is it trail and error with which one works or are some more recommended?
Magnesium oxide ones can work well IF your grazing/forage is short of it. Valerian has had good reports but is no use if you compete under rules as it's banned - which in itself suggests it has some effect. Really though it is a case of trial & error & if one doesn't work for you keep a note of the ingredients so you don't try another that's basically the same thing with a different name.

I assume that before trying calmers you've had a good look at her diet & exercise level to check that it isn't a case of too much feed & too little exercise?