Chickens - moult advice


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2004
Our chickens have had a rough year going through their first moult. Our final girl was just reg regrowing a huge number of feathers and although looked a mess, she was chirpy, alert and eating. Then we found her dead in Christmas Day. I'm heart broken as she was my favourite. Any advice or tips for helping them through moult? Vet suspects she maybe had underlying issues but she always seemed bright as a button
Aw poor chock. I'm inclined to agree with the vet. They are funny things. It's like they say always the best ones.
I never really changed anything. They eat a bit less as there not producing. I would give them the kitchen veg trimming, and a nice free range run so they could pick on grass and scratch for insects etc.
They've a run of about an acre? Varied terrain and a fair few bushes they like to hide in. Hadn't thought of veg peelings. Will try that! I've cooked them up spaghetti as a treat before. We add cider vinegar to their water as a tonic. Was quite a shock losing her. She was only about 3 and the one hen that tolerated me cuddling and spoiling her
If they've got an acre to wander. Then i would say it's one of those things. They've got a life of luxury. It could be something she ate that didn't agree with her.
If they were cramped up and she died I would say health or living environment, disease issues.
If you lose any others then I would start to worry.
I lost a bird this year. Again, she moulted, seemed to be recovering after, then went off colour and died within days. It is upsetting, but the other 2 are fine so perhaps she had something wrong inside.

What lucky chooks yours are to run in an acre! How on earth do you keep Mr Fox away?