Advice sought re turnout


New Member
Jun 20, 2001
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I'm a new horse owner, 9 months now, and have Ben on full livery so I can learn the ropes and get support. However I realise that I'm only getting the views and regime of the yard I'm at, so I hope you guys will be able to broaden my perspective with your views and experiences.

Ben is a heavy cob, very gentle and laid back to handle, spooky when ridden. Lived out last Sept and Oct when I first got him, partly stabled till Jan, then totally stabled till last month, now getting 4 hours turnout a day. I hate seeing him in his stable so much and am considering the alternatives......

What are the issues I should be considerng????

Hope you can help. Regards Cathy.
You say he's spooky when ridden, and being in a stable except for 4 hours a day is likely to make him more hyper and energetic when he does get ridden.

Is it possible for him to get more turnout then he is getting already? Especially now in the summer, being stabled will probably be too hot and he may get grumpy.

I'm biased thought as I prefer horses to be turned out except when being ridden or ill.
is there a reason he was stabled over the winter or are all the horses kept in?

one of my pet hates is stabling without turnout - all of ours are out at least 6 hours a day, every day, and we encourage people to keep their horses out if they don't need to be stabled.
have you spoken to the yard owners about why he's stabled?
Turn Out !!

Agree with the other views.
We changed yards a couple of months ago, where turn out was limited.
The new yard has full turnout and what a big change in our horses, happy,content, less work (mucking out etc), more time to spend with horses.
All year turnout has to be more natural than been stabled.

Good Luck

Thoughts on turnout.....

Thanks everyone for your replies. My gut feeling is that I have an unhappy horse and that he shoud be living more naturally, that is outside and with other horses. He is so isolated and sad in his stable. I have asked about increased turnout, as have other liveries on the yard, and land management is the reason. The landowner wants to keep the pasture good, take hay off soon and certainly won't let horses ruin it in the winter! As my priority is the good management of my horse, I have decided to follow my instinct and move to a yard with all year turnout. I'm a little worried about the upheaval and managing Ben's welfare myself (new yard is DIY) but I am certain I will have a happier, healthier horse. Wish me luck....

Best regards Cathy and Ben.
Yard Move

Hi Cathy, I think you won't regret your decision to move.
We spent 3 months, most weekends,looking at various yards, checking out pasture,fences, number of horses per field, worming programme,costs and loads more.

It sounds as if your current yard may be over stocked with horses if the owner cannot provide suitable grazing.If,as you say, other liveries have also requested longer turnout and been refused,the owner needs to be aware of all your concerns.

As far as going DIY, don't be too worried as if it's a good yard you'll find the other more experienced liveries will help out or offer advice if you're unsure.

Good Luck
