All hail the drop noseband!


New Member
May 21, 2006
Tried Molly in it for first time tonight in lesson - omg, difference was astonishing (previously in a cavesson - on and off with flash attachment when the evasion was very bad).

She was so much easier to ride, mouth shut and much less fussy (noseband was on loose as needs an extra hole when the leather is softer and it molds better).

Only downside is it doesn't fit very neatly with the hanging cheek french link snaffle - but past caring about appearances, if it works - it works!!

Had her teeth done on Friday - she needs some power tools on a ridge on very back molars (booked for next month) - dentist suggested the drop as although there is no obvious discomfort from this "ridge" - the drop means no pressure at all where her molars are. That dentist is a marvel (Molly LIKED her - she doesn't like anyone like that as a rule :p)

I pray it continues - got some fantastic trot work out of her tonight doing some complex trot pole work, she was working so well from behind - I could actually feel the "ping" as it really pushes you out the saddle lol :p and we kept contact and bend for a whole circuit of the school! I nearly cried :eek::D:D
That's great well done. On a more selfish note that sounds like exactly what I need - *logs on to ebay while hubby is out at the match* so thanks for sharing
Fab - very interesting as just awaiting for drop noseband to arrive in post tomorrow to try on my fella - will have to experiment as he too is in baucher/hanging cheek.

Hope the improvment continues =]! x
great news hun - i told you it would come !!! Youve done wonders to get the "i've forgotten how to work" pony working so well
Dont you just LOVE that ping feeling when she works through her back ! Its the powerfulness of it that used to get me tearful :eek:

Anyway ......when is your next outing ? (and do you fancy a photographer called Nat tagging along :p)