Anyone know of grass livery in Epping Forest area?


New Member
Feb 6, 2008
Hi all,

Does anyone know of somewhere that offers grass livery around Epping Forest? I would be looking for assisted livery i.e. feed, rugs on/off, hay in winter.

I have done a google search and come up with very little! There are yards that have 24hr turnout in summer, but not winter, and the summer period is from end may onwards. The horse I am potentially looking to buy lives out at the moment, and owner not sure if he will live in. Not looking promising at the moment.....!

If anyone has any suggestions I would be grateful!
I was stabled in that area for a number of years and have to say that you will struggle to find somewhere in that area with grass livery at all let alone all year round, can you drive? You may be better off looking at somewhere more stapleford abbotts way?

Where have you considered so far?