Caught red handed!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2000
It's always risky introducing two stallions to grazing.

There is always an awful lot of very loud and very violent horseplay. But it's clear when it's a real fight and things are really not working out

Anyway after introducing Indy to Taktur, there was a lot of this belly aching and setting the pecking order.

Frances caught them playing the other day. Not the stallion pecking order belly aching and trying each other out, but proper playing.


It's so much easier when the stallions will live together , get on and actually enjoy each other's company. It's taken about a week for them to stop posing and just be one of the boys.
Not sure Frances had her camera on her, and she has no phone or internet ATM.

We moved them up into the hill park this monrning, If anyone has any shoes on after the shennanigans that went on. It's going to make life so much easier having all the boys out together.
I wouldn't want to walk your fields looking for lost shoes! It must be a huge relief that they're getting on together, not only does it make life easier for you but it's so much nicer for them if they can live out in a group rather than being ept in solitary. Now I just need Frances to get everything fixed so I can see pics!