Charging on the lunge


Active Member
Feb 15, 2012
Hi I really had a break through today first attempt at a solo jack all went perfectly well apart from my horse sweating up really quickly she isn't used to going alone so perhaps she found this stressful? Any how when it came to her lunge excersise she charged at me 3 times, this is very unusual behaviour she is lunged 5 days a week sessions are 4 minutes good way 5 minute poor as she is very one sided this is purely to try and even out muscles & balance she has never done this for years, maybe I had put her under too much pressure hacking solo, I stood my ground and scared her away from me and completed the exercise but I just thought it was out of character? I thought charging was to do with the horse not respecting you, we generally have a good relationship which I find strange
You lunged her after you had been for a hack? Is that usual? I've only ever known people to lunge before riding if to get rid of excess energy....also I was told by a vet to lunge maximum 3 times a week...if I hacked Moet and then took her straight in for a lunging session I think she would trample me!

Ummm aside from the above I have no real advise about being charged at, I think u did right standing your ground
She had 1nd a half hours inbetween at rest,I don't lunge her to get rid of energy it's an excersice ive been given from my dressage instructor but she has always been great on the lunge maybe she was testing my leadership maybe she felt insecure on the hack I don't know I just found it out of character will alternate the days and see if it makes a difference in behaviour
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5 days a week is a lot of lunging... to be honest I wouldn't be surprised if she is just getting a bit sick of it, and her display of aggression towards you was a way of telling you she'd had enough. It could also be a sign that she is in pain/discomfort somewhere which is being exacerbated by so much circle work. I am a big advocate of lunging as part of an exercise regime but would not want to lunge more than twice a week, and 5 just sounds a little excessive. There are plenty of ridden stretches and exercises you can do to make a horse more supple and balanced - and you can do it just as effectively out hacking as you can in the school.
As everyone else has said it may well have been her sticking two fingers up at you because she's had enough. I have a very gentle and placid horse but I am certain if I hacked her out and then asked her to lunge it would be met with a 'get stuffed' attitude!
She is probably just getting a bit bored of lungeing if she's lunged five times a week and as Joosie says it could be that she's sore from so much circle work.
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5 days lunging sounds a little excessive to me. My RI has advised me to lunge Ben once a week for 20 minutes as part of his exercise regime. He finds lunging very hard work so this is plenty for him.

I would say that perhaps your horse feels a little sore or maybe sour from lunging too much.
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