does anybody need to use a cavasen on their horse?

Well, here's me and Coquette riding Western...


...and there's no cavasson there, nor is there on just about any Western bridle. I always get annoyed by my English bridle because I have to worry about the cavasson.
all a cavesson noseband does is break up the horses face and is mainly just for cosmetic purposes, especially for showing to present the head in the best way possible
A caverson does have some effect on keeping the jaw closed, but not as much as say a flash. Its because of where the horses jaw is hinged, way up near his eye, so putting smething 1/2 way down does help to stop it opening to far.
I use a caverson for english but not for western, but given I often forget to do it up on my english bridle or do it up and forget to undo it I don't know why I bother - more just because it is expected :eek: