Does anyone have moles?


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2012
I am a very moley person! I used to hate it and got bullied at school so badly about them. Now I don't really care and I'm more worried about them healthwise.

I have quite a few large ones on my face, one of which hurts quite a bit and I think is getting bigger too. I know you are supposed to go and get them checked out but I don't want my doctor thinking I am a hypochondriac! I will go because obviously its important but they always seem to act like I'm wastng their time and so I know it won't be very pleasant.

Has anyone else had to have moles checked? Or does anyone else worry about them?
A few years ago I had a weird growth appear on my shoulder which I went and got checked. It was like a mole to look at but suddenly appeared. I was all scheduled to have minor surgery on it when lo and behold a week before it dropped off:eek::p
OH has a lot of moles and keeps an eye on them. Generally things to watch for are changes in shape and texture or bleeding - but don't panic, none of those automatically mean doom - but it is best to check. Your gp will not think you are a hypochondriac at all - better safe than sorry! And if its sore then put your mind at rest. Might be a daft question but you haven't caught it on anything lately by accident?
My dad had a growth like that on his back that did that, yuck! But good riddance!

Not that I remember no, the skin around it looks a bit dark too.

I'm in the middle of trying to convince them to take my tonsils out so if I also bring up this they may wonder if I'm just desperate to have something wrong with me. My grandma did actually have skin cancer on her nose but it was from the tiniest little growth and they caught it very early so she's fine!
Yes my dad is 88 and he had a small skin growth removed a couple of years ago that had turned nasty.
Try not to worry but def go see your gp if unsure. It's what they are there for! And these days the emphasis is on catching things early and preventative medicine so don't feel bad.
I have quite a few, never had any change tho. My mum has had 3 or 4 removed as they were suspect but more as a precaution or they were in a place that she regularly caught/snagged them.
Are they moles or sun spots? I have a few on my face but the one that has got bigger is near the place I got kicked in the face.
Moles! As far as I know. Its just one on my chin that has got bigger and hurting a bit
If it's hurting or changed, I'd get it seen to - sooner, rather than later. Better to be thought of a hypochondriac and know for sure.
I made an appt at my GP for a breast lump, which disappeared on the morning of my appointment. I went anyway in case it was just me being a numpty but the GP couldn't feel anything either. I apologised for wasting his time and he gave me such a lecture about how you must ALWAYS go the GP if you find anything like that and let them decide whether or not it's anything to worry about.
I went for screening for breast cancer this year after finding a lump too, but I'm high risk due to family history so dispite my age I didn't mind talking about it to doc. But now to go to the doc again about a weird mole, it just makes me come across a bit ott. I wish there was a walk in clinic or something you could go to instead.
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Is there nothing like that near you?

Just googled it for my area and there is that option for me.
just remember as a tax payer you pay for the nhs ! a doctor has no right to make you feel that way,just bear that in mind x
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Yes that is true. They're not horrible I guess they are just under a lot of pressure and I take it too personally. I will ring up and book yet another appointment!
Go get it checked, I've had a few burned off that were dodgy and bleeding and itching.

So please have it attended to