Entitled/rude people and horse stories!

In which case there is no way you should be looking to buy or loan. If you want more horse time get an extra lesson a week or offer to help out.
I actually volunteered to help out at my stable this afternoon for a birthday party. I get to groom/tack up some ponies, then help out some littles that’re using some horse-safe glitter paint, then I get to lead the ponies around an arena a bit and then bathe them after. It’s gonna be fun!
Offer to do it two or three times a week every week. It won't cost you anything but it will give you and your parents a slight idea of what owning one would be like - I say slight because it's only two or three days & you walk away at the end of it as opposed to a late night with a sick horse or waiting around for a vet or farrier.
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What difference is how old she is? I was under the impression that this forum is for NEW RIDERS. I started riding at age six and showing at 10. We didn't have the internet then, so no experienced advice was out there. I couldn't afford lessons, so I taught myself. At age 12, I won the Clyde Kennedy Equitation Medal on my horse that I trained by watching others show.
I ask you - what is wrong with this young girl posting her story?
Were you all perfect riders and exhibitors when you started? Shame on you all.
Unnerved in California
What difference is how old she is?
Put bluntly, the initial lie to join when there would be children's forums that would benefit the member as much if not more than here.
We are giving an adult response to a children's question with a children's capacity to absorb what's said.
It's not about being perfect it's more about safety. Horses are a life long learning curve. I think the Internet is the other one!
What difference is how old she is? I was under the impression that this forum is for NEW RIDERS. I started riding at age six and showing at 10. We didn't have the internet then, so no experienced advice was out there. I couldn't afford lessons, so I taught myself. At age 12, I won the Clyde Kennedy Equitation Medal on my horse that I trained by watching others show.
I ask you - what is wrong with this young girl posting her story?
Were you all perfect riders and exhibitors when you started? Shame on you all.
Unnerved in California
I think that's a bit harsh. We initially tried to be supportive, but the posts from this youngster have been a bit wild which is why I for one, am backing off. Imagine if this child (and she is a child), was on here without her parents knowledge, and someone on here gave a particular bit of advice, however well meaning, that resulted in at best, heartache, or at worst some ghastly accident? There are rules in place all over the internet to protect people, and no-one on here wants to be suspicious of every new member that joins. From thousands if miles away, I for one would not want to tell a 12 year old to buy or not buy a horse - for her sake, and the horse's.
Look, I dont know what you guys think is so weird here but honestly I’m feeling rather upset with all the accusations and whatnot so I think I’m just gonna leave the site. Goodbye.
What difference is how old she is? I was under the impression that this forum is for NEW RIDERS. I started riding at age six and showing at 10. We didn't have the internet then, so no experienced advice was out there. I couldn't afford lessons, so I taught myself. At age 12, I won the Clyde Kennedy Equitation Medal on my horse that I trained by watching others show.
I ask you - what is wrong with this young girl posting her story?
Were you all perfect riders and exhibitors when you started? Shame on you all.
Unnerved in California

There's a minimum age limit for the forum for a good reason, as others have said. She lied about her age to join and has contradicted herself enough times to set off alarm bells. That's the problem - nothing to do with her story, her experience or anything else.
FYI many of us on here are self-taught and/or don't have privileged or horsey backgrounds. And many joined the forum when they were new riders, or still are. To suggest we have an issue with her "telling her story" and accuse us of having a problem with her being a beginner is inaccurate and unfair.
This is a small forum, we expect people to be honest and embrace those who are & do not appreciate being lied to.
Look, I dont know what you guys think is so weird here but honestly I’m feeling rather upset with all the accusations and whatnot so I think I’m just gonna leave the site. Goodbye.

Yes, probably, but people under the age of 25’s brains arent fully developed in the area that deals with seeing potential consequences so when looking for advice about getting specific horses, adults would be better.
That's a very insightful thing to know at such a young age. :rolleyes:
And I think on the whole as your brain isn't fully developed yet either, your leaving response is why there is an age limit.