Feeding volume, weight and size of poo! Advice needed.

Hi Dee:D

Seriously, unless the quality of the poo is giving you concern, i.e. very runny, or the opposite, tiny rabbit droppings, I'd take your cue from the way he looks. Sounds to me as though you're doing everything right. Bear in mind the size of him next to Stumpy. If he were doing the same size poos as her, then I'd be worried.;)
I think its generally big horse = big poo!! J's poos are probably a third the size again of Dylans (16.3).

When they both went on fiibrebeet it did exactly what i suppose it suggests by the name and they were both pooing for england, wales and Scotland! I did threaten to starve them to reduce the amount of poo as mucking out was taking me an age :p

I suppose you could try reducing the feed slightly and see what happens, but i would think you and me are condemned to a life of dinosaur poo!
I too go on how Joy looks and behaves and the quality of her poo.

I'm the opposite to you though as I long for bigger poos from her as they are easier to poo pick from the fields than the smaller ones. :p
I think it's size of horse - Jackson's poos are the largest in the field, and in fact, usually the largest we encounter when hacking. They do pile up like giant chocolate profiterole pyramids (OK that's the last time I'm eating chocolate profiteroles now that image is stuck in my head). Oh, and his diet is pretty much identical to Coop's.

I can always tell which piles the Highland pony did, too, because they're neat little ones...
Well, i'm afraid I had to wait until I'd eaten my tea before I even opened this thread! :D Now i'm all eaten I can reply...!

Has his poo been that size/volume consistently since he's been on that feed amount & content etc?
Aslong as it's consistent, Cooper in himself is fine, physically and mentally and it's not something that's just cropped up then I don't think you have anything to worry about! :)
My friend's boy is on "a quarter scoop of nothing" apart from his haylage as he is on boxrest and he is still doing massive poos ! Has been on the same all-forage diet since about August and no change in size of droppings at all from when he was being fed the full whack!
Looks of horey and quality of poo mydear is all you need to worry about:D
My stocky little cob will do one massive poo in his stable and in the same time my skinny arab of roughly the same weight will have done 3 much smaller ones.

I guess different types of horse just have different metabolisms?