Following on from the pelham thread...


Grumpy old nag
Aug 5, 2009
opinions please helpful fellow forum peeps. Have beeen schooling JJ in a pelham with double reins for a few days in my never ending search for control at his 'driving horse' speed of trot.

Having got over my initial struggle with loads of mane, too many pieces of leather in my podgy fingers etc. we now have delightful paces when schooling - his trot is now a nice relaxed, tail swinging, rounded gait - no longer feels like my arms are being pulled out of their sockets and I dont need to even think of standing up in the stirrups to get leverage to slow him down:eek:

So off we go on a hack to test our new way of going. Oh dear! Lots of over bending, snatching at his chest, generally trying to evade etc. etc. Can get him to trot at a more genteel pace but he is definately over bent and not a happy bunny in his mouth like he is when I school him in the field:mad: Slober flying everywhere - Ok I know some say that is a good sign - but believe me all this foam spalshing about is NOT him working nicely!

Why isnt he responding to the pelham like he does when being schooled in the field?:eek:
Sorry hun no idea,other than maybe he is more forward going out on hacks and feels a bit more restricted as you are now able to 'hold him back' so to speak??

O/T but have been wondering if you got the nose net,and if so where are my gratuitous pics;):p:D
It's only been a few days! He'll get used to it, just use the snaffle rein and gradually bring in the curb.

When I changed to pelham 3 years ago, we had similar problems but with rearing and bucking too. I got really scared and just held on tighter and stopped hacking. I thought about it and decided to go out on a loose rein and only gathered up the snaffle rein, it made a huge difference. He still bucks and snorts when he's excited where he knows we canter but you have to do the opposite of what sense tells you - slacken off :eek:. Sooooo hard to do. I also had to learn to give with left/right rein depending on which canter lead or he'll rear.
Devonlass - sorry! It came Monday but son has been out on the Loch the last 3 days with MY camera and by the time he gets home I've taken the mask off. It fits him, it works = covers the sensitive bit at the front that he hates me putting the block on. shall get pics tomorrow and post them;) Thanks again.:)

Nani - that makes sense about slackening off - when I can convince myself to not hold him in quite so hard when he is forward going it does seem to settle him more with it. Just he charges off and instinct says use the curb rein - NOW!!!:eek: Dont get the rearing or bucking but Im still terrified when he starts snorting and pumping himself up for a bit of action!:eek: Shall have to try and make myself not hold him in so much I think?:eek:
Don't worry, you'll get used to it and he'll get used to it - do it often and ask for walk as often as possible with just snaffle - eek, I know exactly how you feel, all those feelings came flooding back when I read your post! It goes against every grain of sense to let go doesn't it!!!

Good luck and be brave!! :)
My Abbys is like this. She used to (not anymore, just hacking now :rolleyes:) school well in her pelham with lovely light paces. When hacked out in it though, i learnt to ride with a loose contact. I know i have contact but loose. We have points out hacking, im sure they all do, where she thinks were going, were going. If i even move an inch to gather my reins or tense up she goes into over drive. I know where these points are so i keep my reins the same and hum a tune (mad i know) and don't let any part of me tense in anticipation. This works really well with her. She sometimes has a little pull but i just sit and don't move and she just thinks, Hey, were not going. :p Its took along time of fighting and trying slow the steam roller, but this seems to work great with her. It goes against everying your brain tells you. Its telling you, grab the reins and get ready. But if i even think that, shes bouncing like a rubber ball, and a bloody big one at that! (clyesdale x ID :eek:) Stick with it and keep us upadated ;)