Great views of Geminids so far.

Pics would be good. We never see any astrological occurrences here, its always too cloudy or to much light pollution etc.

One of the things we like about going on holiday is seeing the stars.
My camera is crap, but Frances might be going out later.

There's a shooting star every 20 to 30 seconds ATM.

It's clear as I have ever seen it, it's minus several degrees but you can see the milky way going across the sky.
Oh I'm so jealous. Could hardly see the road in front of me when I went out a bit earlier, it's freezing fog here.
I didn't see nuffink as I have a cold and went to bed early,

To photograph meteors is never easy.

I got this by chance of the draconids, while I was setting up the camera for the aurora. I never even knew until I saw them when I was going thru the pics.
