Having things 'just incase'


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2007
East Yorkshire
Well I have done my spring clean well.. spring clean before winter :D of the tack room. As always I simply tidy it up. As I am one of those that knowing my luck as soon as I get rid of something I will need it! However I do have a lot of stuff.

For example there is a fleece exercise sheet, I wanted it because it reminded me of racing. However even when sox was been work he only wore it once!! Or I bought him some PE stable boots ( must have been for Xmas or his birthday) but I have always debated about them as he wears boots for turnout anyway and I like his legs to breathe. And he has a much bigger stable now :D also I have 2 sets of bandages ( though there not my strong point!)

Then we go on to the rugs in the garage. I felt , a few years ago it was a good idea to buy sox stable rugs ( 2 given from previous home and one handed to me) two I bought. However given that I work and short of time. I don't have time to be messing about with stable rugs! He lives in turnouts anyway. However I alway think 'just in case' Really need to be firm with myself ;)
Anyone else like this??
Nowadays I bin nothing really! I so so wish I had kept more of Joe's old stable rugs and turnout rugs. Having said that, I donated them to a horse charity so someone will be making good use. However, I do tend to keep most things now just in case! Zi is huge compared to Joe, so none of his things would have fit anyway. I sometimes think it's just a case of making things neat and tidy and organising storage. You never know what your next horse will be like! Or what you might need. I have two gorgeous purple fleeces just waiting to be worn by a pony......:D (Storm out grew them years ago:eek:)
I am not a 'just in case'-er, I'm a bloody hoarder I have decided :p so the last 2 years I have tried very hard to part with things I don't need any more, it is difficult though as every time I get rid of something I then need similar again within 6 months and I just can't afford to keep replacing things when I had a perfectly serviceable thing which I just gave away or sold for pennies! Just recently it was the fetlock boots for Jess, I know I had some but can't find them and vaguely remember moving them on just before I moved yards, a whole 4 months ago and I'd had the bloomin' things 10 years prior to that and never wanted them :rolleyes:
Having been brought up in a farming environment we would never really throw anything out just in case it could be used in some manner
I've kept so much rubbish that i know I'll never use, like an old donkey harness for God knows how many years because you never know when you might acquire a donkey.
We've got an Australian stock saddle that fits none of the horses, but you never know....
I can't wrap exercise bandages to save myself but I've got those too, just incase.. .. I still have rugs that are shredded and broken but I might be able to patch them up one day....(not).
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Yep, me too. Rubber stable mats. I have five, used them last winter when flipo was on boxrest and somehow I can't now bare to part with them even though they've been shipped up to my parents greenhouse to live because i don't have a bloody stable!
Bits that were too big for flipo - who's bigger than flipo that would want them?!
Jodhpurs I never wear. Show gear that I have no intention of ever wearing again.
I'd make a few bob that I could actually do with right now but heh ho, just in case!

Oh and 8 bales of shavings. For no particular reason.
I've kept bits of broken bridles in case my bridle breaks I might be able to use the buckles off the broken ones. Lord knows how I'd stitch it.
I've got some broken/ripped summer sheets in case I need them for patching.
What I'd really love are more old chests of drawers to keep things in good order and well organised. I do keep dropping massive hints to OH about him fashioning me a box from wood or something I can store things in....