How much preparation do you do before a show? And some advice please..



Such as schooling, tack cleaning, ect.
I school once, or sometimes never before a show. I do this because he's usually a little begger and it puts me in the frame of mind that he won't perform well (He usually does tho)
I clean the tack night before and he's bathed and plaited too.

And the advicey bit.. I'll be taking Toby to a show on Sunday, and his only fieldmate Barney is going too as owners neice is riding. Toby has a seperation anxiety problem and I've been told to expect a performance when we split them up to do our classes. (Mainly ridden)
How can I keep him settled in the line up/ring ect? I was thinking of doing the clear round to settle him a bit before and have Barney well away. Toby loves jumping too. Good idea?
Don't ride the day before, might lunge but it depends on time etc. Bath time about a week before as well as any trimming. Double bridle always clean so not an issue, saddle done the night before. List done about a week beforehand as well so that I have something to check off as well load up the night before...

As for the seperation I really don't know as not had to deal with it personally :( Short of giving a strong calmer to both of them! Sorry :(
Depending on whether I'm working or not the day before - if i'm off, I will hack out the day before, and bath in the afternoon but if I am at work, I will lunge her in the pessoa for half an hour and bath straight after.

I hardly ever school her at home, but if we haven't been out for a while I might work her in her double for 15 minutes midweek before the show.

Her tack is usually clean anyway because I use different tack for hacking and playing. Sometimes it doesn't get wiped over until we are at the show:eek:

As regards the separation anxiety, we found the best way to keep them settled in the ring was to have their friend just outside the ring rather than taking them away out of sight.
Frances carries Jackson about like a handbag at shows, he's a bit better now, but we couldn't leav him on his own at his first shows as he got a bit upset when the boys went to the ring. So Frances just took him ringside to watch too.

If I am going to take a driving turnout to a show I want to drive them out at least 3 times a week and do a bit of schooling with them too. We generally don't get to drive the day before as we are on the boat.