Is variety the horses spice of exercise?


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Jan 26, 2003
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Just wondered what you guys think about how much variety a horse needs in his/her exercise regime..
Promise gets kinda stir crazy when she's stabled with no turn out (quite understandably!), she can go out a couple of times a week in a pretty much water logged paddock and then only for a couple of hours so I'm exercising her every day. At the moment she is being lunged (with me on her to learn cantering, me that is!), and ridden in walk and trot off the lunge, occasionally I take her out for a small hack. I think that maybe she is starting to get bored with doing so much work in the arena as she is bucking on occasions. Do you think that it's becuase she's bored and I should hack her out a bit more? We don't have an indoor school so all of the exercise is either in the arena or being hacked out. I have had all of her checks done (saddle, teeth and back) so have ruled those things out as a reason for her bucking.
Thanks :)
Variety is the spice of life. If you put yourself in your horse's shoes, would you relish every day schooling. Take her out for a good pipe opener, have a bit of fun. Ask for and maintain discipline, but, incoporate this with fun time. Have a day off, do some ground work ie- Parelli. or just spend time grooming and taking her for a walk in hand. Walk as in a mile or so, not just down the lane, long reining etc.. As you have no turn out ( when will this be re-instated. Horses on the whole, don't cope very well with being cooped up ) I would have thought you need to become inventive in her exercise program,and keep her interest. L
Hi, thanks, yes I think she needs loads of variety. Today I took her out for a ride but she started to buck in walk, we carried on with the ride but I was kinda nervous! Anyway, when we got back I let her in the school and boy did she let off some steam! Later this evening I rode her again (this time in the school as it was getting dark) she didn't try bucking so I guess I've answered my own question, she needed to let off some energy and was bored aswell, I can't wait for the summer and lighter nights! Which is going to lead me onto my next post about thinking of moving yards because of the lack of turnout.