Kelly is now an "iron free" horse!


Active Member
Apr 14, 2008
Badiddlyboing, Odawidaho
She's never had a shoe on since I had her (mainly because a) she was turned away for the winter; b) it was a recommended treatment for navicular; c) she likes being barefoot and c) it's cheaper!) and because of issues with her putting her tongue over the bit, I bought her a bitless bridle.

It arrived today, and it's a cautious woohoo.

We've been out in the school in hand tonight, and she was yielding nicely though I think we were both a bit confused as to what we were meant to be doing! In the end, I knotted the reins and walked beside her, and just moved her head away with the reins from her withers (if that makes sense) if she started looking for treats. As soon as she moved her head away from my pocket she got loads of praise, so she made good progress.

She let herself down when we did our exercise at the mounting block (she was fidgeting a lot when I wanted to mount, so we did some work on standing quietly for a week or so), in that she started swinging her back end away from me, backing up or generally being a pain, so we have to go back a few steps with that one before I'm going to try riding her in it. I got her to stand still eventually, but I could see she was getting bored, so we left it there.

All things being equal, I'm very pleased with her considering it's something totally new to us (she's ten and has always been ridden in a snaffle with flash), and she's a bright girl so I'm sure we'll be where we need to be in a day or two.
Deacon Bluen (my own horse) is also "iron free" but not because I have anything against iron - it's purely due to his personal circumstances. He has a mouth problem and feels more comfortable and at ease wearing a happy wheel bridle. Similar to your horse, the farrier also recommended removing his shoes to help with his navicular.

If your new to "iron free", be warned - It's suprising how many people will assume you are against bits and shoeing in general just because your horse is bitless and barefoot. :rolleyes: :D
Agreed - Kels is iron free for the foreseeable because it seems to suit her as things are right now.

That said, I'm completely open-minded - if she needs a bit or special shoes in future, that's what she'll have. My priority is to have a happy horse, not to please anyone else, and right now that's what I have! :D
Iam hoping to keep Porsha ''Iron Free'' She is coming home from training tonight, and has been mouthed, but I do prefer bitless through personal choice and I prefer barefoot too, But if Porsha tells me otherwise then I will have to change my ways:)

Scratching and carrots at the mounting block should make him like a homing pigeon too it!:p