Keyhole Spay - any experience?


Active Member
Aug 15, 2005
Daisy (a 2-year-old crossbreed) was spayed using this method yesterday and I guess I was expecting it to be less traumatic and less painful than regular spaying. Our old dog Tilly (another cross-breed) had a regular spay performed about 4.5 years ago when she was about three/four months old. She spent the night at the surgery, was still below par when she came home and was tender/sore for quite a while post op. She did have to wear a buster collar. Daisy came home yesterday afteroon (same day as the op), was very pathetic (sleepy) had no appetite and cried alot. Because she had no external stitches (vet glued the external incisions), she isn't wearing a lampshade but is sporting a rather fetching bodysuit. Today she is happier and her appetite has returned, but she is still quite delicate and refuses to play with our other dog. She has spent ALL DAY so far sleeping and shows no desire to play.

Perhaps it's harder on her because she is not a pup any more? I am glad the incisions are small and that she doesn't have to wear the lampshade, but right now I'm wondering whether the extra cost is worth it!

Anyone else got experience with keyhole spaying versus regular spaying? Did you feel it was worth it?

I had my cat spayed last Thursday, just a small incision in her side closed with stitches and she has to wear a buster collar. Hilarious as she walks really funny with it. She is tender though but still lies on that side.