Lump on throat


New Member
Feb 27, 2008
New forest
Yesterday I notice a hard lump about half the size of a golf ball on the right side of my boys throat. I have shown my friends who say that their horses get them and someone else said that there might be something in his field at the moment that maybe causing him a slight allergy.
I'm worried that he might have stangles, but he is perfectly fit otherwise. I was going to call the vet but everyone said not too as it is nothing to worry about (I think they think i'm a bit of a worry wart).
Any ideas anyone.
It's true that when horses eat something in the field that doesn't agree with them their glands can become enlarged as a form of defense against it so this could well be what has happened. Just keep an eye on him for any signs that he might be under the weather, or if the lump becomes large enough to cause an obstruction in his throat. Hope he's back to normal soon ;)
Thanks for that you have put my mind at rest, the person who said this is quite knowlegable, but when I googled it all I got was strangles. And I started going into overdrive.
Goodness, NEVER google symptoms! It frightens the life out of you! For your horse it will give you the worst prognosis possible and if you google symptoms for yourself you just see the word cancer appear all the way down the page! They should change the name Google to The Prophet of Doom :D