My filly has no fear o_O with pictures!!


Jun 3, 2002
Auckland, New Zealand
I moved Jazz onto some spring grass where I thought she'd enjoy grazing amongst the long grass.

Umm no... of course not! She's addicted to breaking through 'electric' fence tape because she can. There's no current at this property so she's never had a zap in her life. I think she's going to be a pretty cruisy horse!



However, when I got her free, it was followed by 5 mins of this before the sun went down at 8pm.



Before promptly working her way through the fence tape again. :rolleyes:

She's ok, the main gate's closed and she can't come to any harm overnight. I'll take down the tape after work tomorrow and admit defeat. Cheeky's shut in on the short grass in the other paddock right now as it's prime laminitis season.

We're moving to the new place in less than two weeks where she'll very quickly learn about electric fencing!!
She sure is!! Dear old Cheek doesn't dare mess with the fencing after 14 years of them, he respects fence tape. This wee yearling, though! :eek:

I'd be a bit scared to let her near a 'real' electric fence, myself! Can they be turned down really low so that she gets the general idea? I got a shock from an electric fence and it nearly knocked me off my feet!!

Unless she watches Cheek and copies him!! :D
at least yours will hopefully stop at the fence once its live! my 2 year old loanee WONT :eek: friend too a picture of her standing between electric (live! and not a weak current either!) and barbed wire with her front feet eg half of her through the electric fence :eek: she also rests her head on live fences whilst other ponies dont even go near the fence :confused:
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NP, wow! maybe she's current resistant...??? That's really strange!!

Well she's moved in, got a zap on Saturday, threw a temper tantrum and then by that night she'd worked out where the weakness in the current was and promptly got out. Insert rolly-eye smiley.

We put her in with another mare on plenty of grass and she's now fine. Silly lass!
One of my shetties used to drive me crazy trashing electric fencing, favourite trick was ripping off the connecting wires with his teeth, thus rendering the fence trash friendly.
it's strange how some don't have any fear for electric fences, one of our Welshies would rip the stakes out with his feet and then just walk over it. Quite funny the other two would just watch and wait until he had knocked it down then walk over as well!!!:)
I used to work with a guy who was the same he could hold onto a fence or car plug leads and not bat an eyelid.:eek:

She's looking good Deb.:)