Online Equine courses/useful websites?


May 20, 2017
I really want to learn more about horses - anatomy, common diseases, basic training, stable management etc. But I am in university and cannot take a year out to do a course on it, and unfortunately there are no evening courses for this near me. Does anyone know a sort of online course or even a website filled with all of the information mentioned above? I'd like to not have to just Google everything separately as that can get super overwhelming and some things I wouldn't even know how to look for.

I'm getting a bit restless just riding and knowing the basics of taking care of a horse and stable but not delving deeper into things. I love riding on its own but I am starting to be more aware of my ignorance lately And I know you learn by doing but I'd like to not have to wait for every random situation to occur before I can learn about it! Any help is appreciated.

- the impatient equestrian