Part 2 Do horses cry? Should I call the Vet?


New Member
May 19, 2009
Ok I know that I probably am just a freak and that I worry to much but I cant help it...I went to check on my mare this morning and what I found has made me sick with worry. She only had three piles of poop in her stall and she didnt eat any of her hay last night. She normally has 5 - 6 piles for me to clean up and she licks her plate clean. I took her out of her stall and tied her up to brush her and noticed that saliva was dripping out of her mouth. She also had globs of it dried up on her front legs. I took a peak at her gums and looked to me like they were a lighter pink than normal. Not white but a very light pink. I decided to see if she would eat so I made her a bucket of grain and she did eat that. I went ahead and put her out in the pasture to see if that would light a spark in her spirits and she did seem happy to be with the herd but it took her a good 30 minutes before she begane to graze. Im worried that she has an upset stomach. Anyone outhere that knows what is going on with her?
Please respond Im worried
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I too would be concerned. I don't think you're over reacting. I would call the vet, describe the symptoms and ask them what the likely possibilities are, before deciding whether to call them out.

Is your horse always stalled over night? Is the stall big enough for her to walk around & get some exercise in? Free movement is important for digestion & can dissipate small digestive upsets.

Did you feed her grain last night? How much/how often do you feed it? What sort? Grain is generally not great for horses and can cause a myriad of problems, digestive & otherwise. Especially if it's not fed little & often. I especially wouldn't have given her grain when she was feeling poorly.
I too would be worried - as well as ther above it might be worth considering choke. I believe a Friesan on this forum had a serious episode of choke recently with fairly similar symptoms - took a while to diagnose what was actually wrong. I think it was "Vel" ??
Ok I know that I probably am just a freak and that I worry to much but I cant help it...

You have noticed something in your horse and it has sounded an alarm bell. In my book that does not make you a freak but a caring owner.

I would look for the most mundane cause first and work your way up. Could it be that she simply is not that hungry if she has been out in good grass and does not particularly enjoy the hay she is given? Mine get very fussy about hay this time of year. Try get hold of a bag of really sweet hay, you know, the stuff that almost tastes of honey when you bury your face in it and take a deep breath ..... see if she turns her nose up at that.

Good point about the poos though, first thing I count when I go to the stables in the morning. I tend to worry when they have eaten the hay and there are not the normal five or six. What about the water? Did she drink the usual amount despite not eating the hay? One the occasions mine did not eat their hay they hardly touched the water.

Keep a close eye on her and if those bells keep ringing then get the vet to take a look.
News flash

Well my TB is looking fine today... Yesterday was a day that I wont forget and I will remember it always. After I posted my concerns yesterday I headed off to check on her. She had her teeth floated the day before.

She was out in the pasture because I had read somewhere that if your horse has a tummy ache or feeling poorly the ground can sometimes soothe them?? I dont know but I gave it a try. So when I got there she was under a tree and she seemed kinda out of it. I put her halter on and I walked her to the water trough. She wouldnt drink and I could tell she wanted too. I eventually got her to drink. I felt better just seeing her do that. I brought her in and took for a bath. I could tell she was feeling better because she kept nudging me with her nose.

I have had her a short time and when I got her she was not in the greatest health. So I started with a vet visit and found that she had old injuries she was suffering from along with being underweight, her feet needed tending to and her teeth were bad . So the vet I discussed my action plan to get her feeling better and 100% back to normal. So my first step has been her teeth. Next week her hooves and the day after I have a Chiropractor comming to adjust her back. Im sure our journey is going to be a bit of time but it will be considered a bonding time that I feel is so important for the both of us.

I want to say thank you to all of the people that read my post and thankyou to the people who took time to answer it. I am an emoitional human with a love for all animals in need or that have been abuse, neglected, ect. I may talk as though I treat my horse as an equal thats because I do. I feel very lucky and honored that God has given me the opportunity to become so close with such an amazing animal. So powerful yet gentle but so very dependent upon humans for survival. Anyway, Im starting to get freaky again sorry.... Thanks again