Pet foods


New Member
Jan 26, 2004
I'm on a crusade to educate the world about better pet food, so I'd like to provide a few links to great sites with information about making informed pet food choices.

Some benefits of better pet foods:
1) Less stool to clean up
2) Less itchies
3) No eye boogers
4) No animal "smell"
5) Less gas
6) You feed less
7) Better skin and coat
8) Better muscle tone/less fat
9) Can even help manage some diseases
The creation of this forum of course! :D

I've been into pet food for awhile (my own dogs and cat eat Orijen dry food, the cat gets EVO and Wellness canned foods) and I've noticed it's just not that common for people to really know what is in their pet food. I want to be a vet, so if I can help people out via internet, why not? :)
Imagine.. reading a label! Now mind you, most people don't read the labels of what THEY eat either which is a shame as well. But really they eat the SAME thing every day (well most do) giving it some consideration goes a lonnng way!

mmm a vet on the bandwagon before Iams and Science Diet can get to them... Care to move to Alberta?

(but only if you are on board with the whole vaccination "thing" as well :D)
Well, I've gotta stay in NS for at least 2 years after graduation for student loan reasons, but after that, I think Styric's got me claimed for her area for awhile. ;)

(What vaccination thing might this be?? I'm not for poking animals with every vaccine known to medicine for no reason if that's what you mean. I'm also for informed speuter decisions.)
Jean Dodds stuff.. and the like :)

I am heavily pro spay neuter. I am well aware there are risks, but the general public do NOT need another bloody excuse not to alter their pets.

The top 10 reasons to alter them.. where put down in a shelter this morning.

The ones who are more likely to already know the deal are also the ones more likely to be responsable about having an entire animal (although even that can get sketchy!)
I believe Keket's idea of 'informed speuter' is 'if you can't give me 8 verified health reasons why your dog should wait and if you don't know what a spay abort is then I'm going to beat you with this bat until you speuter' and 'if you refer to your animal as ickle, baby, fluffy and pretend it has no legs so you have to carry it, you're speutering'. At least that's what the discussion was when I was ranting about my vet giving me grief about keeping Orion from being spayed until after first heat.

Calm, informed decision, including knowledge of the medical side effects, the sheer difficulty of watching a determined female in heat and valid reasoning as to what you'll do if you mess up are mandatory.

My vet trusts me now at least! Orion has had no puppies, was spayed when I said she would be and I still have a healthy respect for male dogs sitting on my porch singing love songs to her in the window ;)
Yep, pretty much. If there's a good solid reason for putting off speuter and the owner seems to have at least two brain cells to rub together, I don't have an issue with delaying for a year or so. But having a shelter rescue dog myself, I think even breeding quality dogs should be speutered at one point (after their breeding career is done). I've seen way too many pus-filled uteri come out to not want all bitches spayed at some point.

I love you two :D

Keep in mind I did actually.. gasppp BREED a dog! ZOMG... I then took the money from the pups and spayed mom and the pup I kept for myself (with huge protest from other sport enthusiasts who wanted a PB litter out of her..)

My next dog is highly likely to be bred once as well which could be interesting :D