Positive Vibes Needed. Yard Turning Out, All Except Mine :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2008

The summer field has been rested for six months. Just needs rolling and harrow. Everyone is putting their horses out, except us.
The vet said she is not ready for turnout for another month.
Disheartened as we had thought about it for her.
What a shame :(
Out of interest, what is being in doing for her, recovery wise, that she needs?
Just peace, rest, controlled food intake etc?
From the recent pics, she seems quite well in herself.
What a shame :(
Out of interest, what is being in doing for her, recovery wise, that she needs?
Just peace, rest, controlled food intake etc?
From the recent pics, she seems quite well in herself.

She is anaemic so vet treating that. Only allowed high fibre diet as gut cannot digest anything else.
She is a normal pony apart from not being allowed to graze. She can go in school and is being longreined as vet said carry on with preparing to back.

Vet agrees she can't spend her life in stable but on the other hand, she has done research and it is such a huge risk putting her out. Looking forward to it but then i am not.
It's so horrible having to keep them in when you know that they would much prefer to be out. Just remember that you are doing the very best for your horse and although it seems hard sometimes, you are doing the right thing..
I feel your pain, Mr Joe did months and months of box rest over the years, it is so hard when the others are out. Even just having one other going out was difficult I remember. Do hope that you can turnout soon - I remember doing all kinds of stuff to try and ease the boredom for Joe. Every day once the grass started coming through I'd cut him a bucketful, he used to relish it. Lots of soothing vibes to your horse - and get well ones too.
I have altered when i visit afternoons, then she can have access to small yard outside stable. That is helping her, she is getting fresh air when i muck out.
She went like a rocket in the school, i wondered if had sights set on chelteham gold cup!
We have a couple of horses at my yard that have very bad lami and they sections off a part of a field and laid rubber matting down so they could not get the grass at least they got fresh air and could see others.

I know she does not have lami but thought the idea was excellent and safe.
Hum, arrived at yard and everyone still stabled. Gnarled when turnout is and they don't Wu know. I have 3 weeks yet, but will be easier on cob if others still in.