The advantages of a pony - add yours


New Member
Aug 23, 2006
West Yorkshire
Only one advantage each please and lets see how many we can get. Here's mine

Grooming. You can reach their back, behind their cute little ears and so on easily. So it is official - ponies are cleaner than horses!!:)
can get the head collar on in the field when he lifts his head up.
can get under low hanging braches when out hacking - where the big boys have to 'bob'
you can compete against children - which give you a really really good advantage LOL!!!!!!!!!!! :);)
On the very small ones you can adjust stirrups from the ground on the opposite side you are standing - no need to walk right round (lazy or what?)
You get to make friends with lots and lots of little girls ...


Picture always makes me laugh, because the pony is looking like a huge horse - she's 13hh !
They are very cuddly. You don't need to get off to open gates out hacking. If you fall off it is easier to get back on again. It is easier to tack them up and put their rugs on and groom.

Lets see....compared to a big horse(which I have owned in the past)

Easy to get on and off
Can ride into the woods where big horses could not go
Eat a lot less
They make a lot less manure than a full sized horse
Less to keep clean
Cost less to worm and give vitamins too.

There are lots of plus's owning a smaller horse.:D
they can be braver than horses
they can be more sure footed than horses
they can be more resiliant than horses
they can be less accident prone than horses
they are more fun than horses!
Two reasons for me:

1)More character then you could ever hope for

2) The SPEED! Flying along, with the ponies legs whirling like Coyote and Roadrunner! Fantastic! You don't get that on a larger horse!