Too Soon to Canter?


New Member
May 21, 2016
My riding instructor is very good. She let's me kind of go where I'm comfortable, which meant jogging around the ring on the first lesson. In my span of 4 lessons, I've gotten much better at the jog, not bumping maybe 95% of the time. I'm very comfortable in it, and I'd like to try a canter. Is it too soon to try that? I know I'm new, but I've caught on really quickly, my RI even said so herself.
If you are talking about the jog, are you riding western?
The canter/lope is more comfortable and fluid and shouldnt really be much faster.
Yes, I am riding western. So I guess, technically, my next step is to lope. So do you think I could ask my instructor about it?
I honestly can't recall my first canter out hacking, on the trail for you.
It was probably only four weeks in as they needed you to at least get the feeling the gait to carry on hacking.
Big mistake in my view to canter too soon. I've seen too many students put off riding and canter - Wait for your RI to suggest it and even then dont be rushed. My OH didnt canter for almost a year but now, years later, he just loves to canter and has never been afraid of it - luckily his horse feels the same way and dislikes trot.
One meets a lot of people who learn to canter too soon, and it frightens them so they always get nervous about cantering. The trainer Mark Rashid once pointed out to a student who was scared to canter that it was hardly surprising she was frightened since she had no steering and no brakes on a fast moving horse.
Make sure you have steering and brakes - unless of course you are on the lunge.
By all means discuss it with your instructor, but don't push because if the answer is no there's a good reason.
I'm glad I found this thread! I'm a returner rider, starting again after 30+ years. I've had 5 half hour lessons and attempted my first canter last week. It frightened the life out of me, it seemed so fast compared to trotting. I was really shaken by it and now feel scared of trying again, which seems so silly and frustrating as I remember loving cantering when I was little. It sounds like I attempted it too soon, so my advice would definitely be to wait a while!
That's a shame Dazzle, and I do hope you won't let it put you off trying again. Did you explain to your RI how you felt? Maybe they have a horse with a nice steady canter you could use next time you try, and perhaps if you were on the lunge it would let you concentrate on the canter rather than worrying about being out of control.