Treeless stirrup leathers for copperbeech treeless saddle


New Member
Aug 21, 2021
I have a copperbeech treeless saddle, and been using tree'd stirrup leathers, for a very long time. Since buying new leathers one keeps coming off the hook. And on researching it's best to use the treeless leathers ormwebbing . What treeless leathers could I use, does it depend on the hook on the saddle ?? šŸ˜Š
Sorry I can't help with the query, but I am guessing you are in the SEU FB page :)
its Shit Eventers Unite! It started as a FB group for eventers who aren't very good, but now its mainly amusing videos of people falling off. All types of horses have rude names, so coloureds are patchy twats, chestnuts are chunts and bays are baystards. Its not for everyone but it amuses me :)

So for instance here is my riding buddy falling in the water at our schooling session (you may have to join the group to see this)
