What would you do? Tendon treatment?


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2006
Well Vet came to see Rosie yesterday, shes def lame, hes convinced its the tendon/tendon sheath on the fetlock just above the annular ligament. He said to take her down for nerve blocks, x-rays, scans.....to establish the full problem.


Rosie isnt covered on insurance due to previous tendon claims so its all out of my own pocket this time.....When i pushed the vet on treatment he said that pretty much the only treatment for the tendon would be box rest/small paddock rest and danillion/bute. So i said whats the point in paying out up to £500 on investigating what it is to treat it in that way when i could do that now and save the £500!! anyway so thats what we are doing for the next 3 weeks (small paddock rest & danillon)

So next choice - after 3 weeks either
1. go to vets for full lameness work up (£500)
2. go straight to hydrotherapy spa locally (£350)

the vet did recommend the spa as treatment after the full work up...be worth cutting out that £500?

shes only ever gonna be retired at grass anyway!
I always have to go for the cheapest option, none of mine are insured for vets bills any more. As long as Rosie doesn't suffer there's no harm in resting and maybe hydrotherapy afterwards. Good luck.