Hi,Is there anyone on here with MS?

Don't know if I qualify... :)

I'm being investigated for MS and have been for the last two and a half years after what appeared to be a first, rather severe bout (left leg paralysed, left sided weakness, optic nerve inflamation, red desaturation in vision, no balance in the dark or with eyes closed). despite, or maybe because of this I've gone from sharing a horse with the yard owner to buying my own - I've got an obstinate haffie mare, two unbacked youngsters and an ID xTB who's 16.2!! I've also got my mare on DIY livery now! Oh, and I'm the world's biggest wus!

I do go through phases where my balance deteriorates or leg weakness can make getting on board....interesting, especially since my horse doesn't like to stand still :D but I can find ways round it. One of the most important things I learned was if I'm riding in the dark nights I must have a light source in my pocket or round my wrist (luminous watch dial). The meter ran out in the school once, I was plunged into darkness and ...whoops, my balance was went. A friend quickly opened her mobile phone to give me something to focus on and problem solved.

At the moment I'm physically fine, but I'm always trying to plan ahead just in case. I'd love to hear how you get round any problems you're having.
Hi. I have MS and still ride. I rode before MS and have had my horse since I was 10 and I'll be damned if I was going to change it after being dx with MS! Its not as easy as it used to be and I struggle with fatigue so don't ride as much as I used to sadly.
I got diagosed in 2004 when i was hunt groom for my hubby,right arm went numb and still is!
Up until last year i hunted twice a week and turned out 4 horses,only prob was i cannot plait up anymore with my right arm being about as much use as a chocolate fire guard,hence why most of my horses have been hogged!
Problem i have is knowing when i need to take 5 to recharge my batteries,instead i keep battling on,getting annoyed with myself for feeling so tired!
Have no experience in having it personally but my aunt had it and she wouldnt quit doing the things she liked doing.:)

Enjoyed her self right up until the end ( she sadly passed away) and wouldnt stop taking her precious dogs and grandchildren out and about.

All the people who cope with MS on a daily basis and any mobility problem/disease have my support and admiration. Its nice to hear that you still enjoy your horses.

Trixie I never knew that how have you been getting on with Jann and everything lately?? Not hijacking BTW :eek:

Nikki xxxx
Sorry MrKia+Me, I only just noticed your reply. I'm getting on fine with her and have done more hacking in traffic this weekend. I do sometimes have a bit of a problem when she decides to be strong and my arms are going through a weak stage. Trying to get her to move off light leg aids as they get tired quickly and my left leg is much weaker than my right.

Previously I had a share horse which I did my best to get to respond to voice and weight instead of leg. Took nearly 4 years, then had to give up share cos owner became rather nasty. So, I'm back to square one with Janne, but she's really doing well. Will update in General Forum.
Yes i've got it too!

I was diagnosed about 3 years ago with ms and the main symptoms I have at present are fatigue,balance problems and cramps but hey-ho. After a break of over twenty years in riding I started having lessons earlier this year and the urge of wanting my own horse soon reappeared, but I thought it would be irresponsible to have my own, because of my illness, but then thought just because I know what can happen to me it doesn't make me any different to anyone else.
After doing a horse share with a very nice lady who contacted me on here I decided to bite the bullet and get my own! So I am now the proud owner of an ID x Cob who is 16.2 and he is 17.I found a really good livery yard where I feel that I can ask anyone's advise and the best thing I also managed to get my husband into horses as much as me. This really helps when you feel totally exhausted but still need to see your horse. The only advise I can give is stop when your body tells you to, take a break to recharge and then carry on! I don't push myself too hard as I know that I will pay for it but having my own horse is the best thing I have ever done. My horse also seems to know that when I'm riding him to go a bit steadier than when my husband is riding him, I don't know how but he does.
Anyway sorry this is a bit of a long reply but I haven't been on here for months as my computer was broken and now I'm making up for it.!!
Balance problem ideas

Hello folks, just to say hello and assure you all I haven't dropped off the planet! Been having trouble with all sorts of rubbish so been busy.

Anyway, I thought I'd pop this little nigget of info on for those of us with balance probs. I've started Tae-Kwon Do and so have to work really hard on my balance, really, consciously and intently concentrate. This has had the happy side effect of improving my balance for other things.

I've also noticed that my balance problems, which occur when I move my head and feel like an electric shock, are reduced to almost nil when I'm taking my anti-depressants. When I was off them for 2 years, I really suffered from this balance problem, but within weeks of starting them again, all the dizzyness and balance issues started to recede. I wouldn't say they were totally gone, but they're difficult to notice now. It must just be a happy side effect of the medication!