Horse Hunt 2


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2003
Seems to be going as swimmingly well as horse hunt 1 which resulted in being booted by first horse, almost bucked off by second and the third one dropping dead before I went to see it.

Was supposed to be seeing Today what on paper was a good prospect, only half an hour away, 15hh, 18 years old same home 8 years owner giving up. Owner cancelled last night as decided to keep him. PIty i bothered to clean my tack etc yesterday ready to go. Oh the joys.
Might the owner let you have the horse on loan to ride him in a happy retirement? My old share was "retired". I hacked her gently twice a week for an hour, doing only as much or as little as we both felt up to.
no she as changed her mind, her old horse has picked up a bit, and she has ridden this one - off most of the winter - this week and enjoyed him and decided to keep him. Which is fine, she was selling him as she intended to have her 29 year old pts before the winter and didn't want to buy a companion for him. So perhaps she will ride him for the summer and if she has the other one pts get a companion or sell him then. I wasn't sure about the age unless he was very well and could vet. There is a cob in Durham who i was going to go to see, and if this one had pulled out earlier, couldhave gone today. But too late now.
And annoyingly I could have gone to see the cob in Durham today if i had known earlier and someone else is going to see him this afternoon
Horse hunting is tough, hopefully the right one will present itself soon.
going to email all the riding schools and yards within 1-2 hours of me and see if anything comes up. The cob in Durham could have been really quite suitable and I could have seen it yesterday if she had cancelled sooner as i had told its owner was going to see one locally first and then would come there if that didn't work.
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Such a shame the lady who cancelled didn't let me know sooner as the cob i would have seen instead is sold subject to a vetting. Thanks for wasting my time and me missing out on one who on paper and in his video looked fine
People are allowed to change theirs minds and decide to keep their horse. She maybe felt last minute she just couldn't do it when it came to it. There is no point I getting angry and blaming everyone for everything. Just because on paper a horse looks perfect dosnt means it is. Looking for a new horse is a nightmare for everyone. I saw multiple horses. That is just how it is.
People are allowed to change theirs minds and decide to keep their horse. She maybe felt last minute she just couldn't do it when it came to it. There is no point I getting angry and blaming everyone for everything. Just because on paper a horse looks perfect dosnt means it is. Looking for a new horse is a nightmare for everyone. I saw multiple horses. That is just how it is.
I don't believe i said that she wasn't entitled to change her mind etc, it was just the very late notice i.e. 830pm the night before when i had already cleaned my tack, loaded the car ready to get up there for 10am. I am glad she changed her mind before I went to see him. Just wish I had gone to see the other one first - ironically i was down in Durham today with a friend collecting a Bosnian rescue dog - could have gone to see him being vetted:rolleyes::rolleyes:
And he failed the vetting "slightly lame on right hind flexion- not lame on hard ground circle or anything else. He’s never been lame at all with me!"
But you said she was wasting your time. She wasn't, she decided not to sell and she told you before you got there. Last minute wobbles, whatever. Not sure what cleaning your tack means. And you were only 30mins away.

And the other cob, failed the vetting? I don't get what you are upset about there either. Surely you finding out it failed a vetting before you viewed and potentially getting a vetting is a good thing so you are not buying a problem or paying for the vetting
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I travelled 3 hours to see a horse once. I had asked how he would be with mares over the fence. Was told he would be fine. Got there to find him covered in cuts and lame as he had climbed a wall to get to mares! So 6hrs round trip for nothing. Another I travelled 2.5 hours to. For the horse to buck off, and knock out the owner. Again he had never done that before. Horse shopping is **** fact and for everyone!
I’ve had some corking time wasters over the years, drove over 3 hours to look at one mare after a very lengthy phone conversation, immediately noticed a huge half melon sized lump on her side that would interfere with the girth at best, they said they hadn’t mentioned it because it had never bothered her!! I walked straight away.

And so many that when you arrive are clearly lame or not as described at all. It’s crap, it’s always crap. It should be fun and exciting but it’s just hard work and full of disappointment.
I’ve had some corking time wasters over the years, drove over 3 hours to look at one mare after a very lengthy phone conversation, immediately noticed a huge half melon sized lump on her side that would interfere with the girth at best, they said they hadn’t mentioned it because it had never bothered her!! I walked straight away.

And so many that when you arrive are clearly lame or not as described at all. It’s crap, it’s always crap. It should be fun and exciting but it’s just hard work and full of disappointment.
i looked at 60 on the south coast before buying Molly who passed a five stage vetting and was retired 3 years later and kept from age 9 to 26. Going to see the cob who failed the vetting on one flexion test - having seen flexion tests many times they aren't always much help ie Sapphire did some six weeks before she was pts and was fine! There was one for sale coming out of a riding school age 15 but she is honestly described as stiff if stables and stiff for first 5 minutes of work so while heart said yes as she was nice head said no

This is the cob, he doesn't like schools, I would get the flash off him at once but he hacks out and is very laid back. He reminds me of Molly, we used to take her for lessons and she was always looking at OH saying get me out of here.

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