Horse size V's Rider Size

CharlieJane- saw your post and thought must encourage another of us plus size riders!
19 stones is heavy to ride as I'm sure you are aware but my heavyweight cob who is 15.1 and built like a shed reguarly carried 20 stones in his previous home without a murmur. Think it depends more on the horses build than anything else - although height does play a part. Many plus size riders have draft horses or crosses and these are becoming more common it seems to me. There is something like an equation where a horse can carry 25% of his own body weight so you would need a horse who weighs 4 times what you weigh.
The other consideration is that being a heavier rider it can be harder to balance and this is doubled of you are a novice too. I certainly found things a lot easier when I dropped some weight (still very plumptios though!) as I was a lot more flexible.
Many riding schools may say you are over the weight limit - they have to consider the amount of work their horses do and the fact that many of the riders can be unbalanced novices- but ring around and you may come across somewhere suitable. I know there is a place in Scotland somewhere that does riding holidays on Clydesdales!
Meanwhile - look on and also the yahoo group plussizehorsechicks for encouragement.
You could also think about just doing groundwork - ie helping with horsecare whilst you diet ( ooh, makes me shiver to even say the word!) which will be enjoyable in itself. Or consider driving lessons as a horse can pull far more than he can carry. You are not the only larger horse person on here by any means so keep posting!
Best of Luck!
Charlie_JANE said:
im 19 stone now....please could you be kind enough to tell me what is the ideal weight for me to get too before taking lessons and what kind of horse could i ride now

You will find some people telling you that you should not ride. Ignore them! :) For some reason some thin people like to put down heavier people... maybe it makes them feel better? If we listened to them we'd never exercise, ride, visit a gym, or do much of anything. And you have to think: the more often you ride or do other exercise, the more you will burn calories and get more fit.

I am also about 19 stone (5'10") and I ride a few times a week, weather permitting. I ride a 18hh belgian draft who's stocky and probably weights in at about 2000 lbs (he's my own horse). I've also ridden horses at the riding school: a stocky arab X, a larger TB, a stocky Fjord. I've also been on a friend's friesian.

Part of the equation is how well built & healthy the horse is. You can't just generalize and say a 16hh horse is good for people up to X stone. If it's an out of shape, underfed, thinboned little arab I'd say probably not a good choice to ride. But if the horse is in a good level of fitness with a proper saddle and decent conformation, you'll be fine.

Another part of the equation is how the rider acts on the horse's back. Mounting gently, posting gently, and trying maintain control over your center of balance all make it easier for the horse. (And the more you ride, the more you'll improve with this too). Of course it's also a question of what you plan to do on the horse: a 1-hr beginners w/t lesson is much easier than an all-day fast trail ride. And you certianly won't be doing alot of hard work with your horse until you're better balanced & fit anyway. The only way to get there is to ride-ride-ride.

My advice is to try not to admit your weight to them. If they ask, don't lie, but don't make it the first thing you say. I went to the riding schools in person and just asked an open question "do you have any horses for a rider my size" and I let them see me and decide. One person's 200 lbs can be alot 'heavier' than another person, depending on their build and weight distribution. This way you can also see firsthand the horses they have in mind & get a chance to chat with their instructor.

Your only big problem might be finding a saddle that fits you. Many riding schools only have smaller saddles. I personally feel the 18" english saddles I've been offered are too small for my generous behind. I can use them if I have to, but I'm far more comfortable in a bigger saddle. On my own horse I actually use a german calvalry saddle which which was designed to fit large men. For right now you can make do with their saddles, but it is something you should be aware of.

To anyone who gets discouraged about their weight, take a look at the cowboy riders out in the American west. You'll see 6' tall, big men riding their ranch horses all day. Look at the size of some of the big-name trainers on TV like John Lyons ( or Richard Shrake ( They're big men! These men never look in the mirror and think "maybe I shoudn't be riding". If they can do it, anyone can!

So pretty much anyone can ride if they want to. And if the first riding school you visit only has tiny horses, it's THEIR loss... just keep looking around till you find a school that has the right horses for you.
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I'm a plus size rider too (UK size 20 & 5ft 10), always have been a bit on the big size but over the last few years go out of control so....
.... i bought a very expensive warmblood colt because...

... i've had to run around after him, muck out another stable, build a bigger muckheap and generally put a lot more effort in to getting fitter (and hopefully losing some weight).

I will admit it's slow progress but I thought this was the best way to bribe myself , he'll only make 16.3hh and be middleweight so i either lose weight or give up the ride! which would break my heart.

I have to say keep at it, ignore what some ignorant people say. I have heard a lot of comments about my weight but have happily showed it doesn't affect my riding ability!
ColouredChaos said:
I'm a plus size rider too (UK size 20 & 5ft 10), always have been a bit on the big size but over the last few years go out of control so....
.... i bought a very expensive warmblood colt because...

... i've had to run around after him, muck out another stable, build a bigger muckheap and generally put a lot more effort in to getting fitter (and hopefully losing some weight).

I will admit it's slow progress but I thought this was the best way to bribe myself , he'll only make 16.3hh and be middleweight so i either lose weight or give up the ride! which would break my heart.

I have to say keep at it, ignore what some ignorant people say. I have heard a lot of comments about my weight but have happily showed it doesn't affect my riding ability!

Wow.. now THERE's an incentive I could exercise for!! hehe

Seriously, well done!

I'd love a horse of my own, but running around after 4 children (3 fostered and one of my own) leaves me little time and energy.

I do fit in running and riding once a week so have to 'make do' with that. ;)
Wow - I am so happy to have found this thread!!

MayS - you have made me feel a whole lot better about myself - I am 5' 6", dress size 22/24 & weigh 18st (ish) :eek: :eek:

I have in the last few months returned to riding having thought before that I would have to lose weight to do so. Fortunately, I have fallen in love with draft crosses and after part-loaning a Clydie X, I now have TC, a gorgeous Suffolk Punch X.

TC weighs around 2000lbs, so going on theory that a horse can carry 25% of his body weight then TC should manage 27st!! I felt quite happy that he would carry me fine.

However, the last few weeks or so I have been feeling a bit down as everyone I encounter seems to be making an issue of my weight. I've been told to lose weight as it's better for me and my horse (by a famous size 12 rider), I've been told I can't balance as I am large and that if I had an accident it would be far worse for me (I dispute this as I have more padding, lol) and I have found the search for a saddle disheartening.

I have had to go for a saddle that is twice the budget I have just to accommodate my backside!! A saddle with a straight head was recommended as these give extra room in the seat.

I have to admit that all of this was pointed out in a "nice way" - but it doesn't make you feel any better....

Fortunately, my friends at the yard are all very supportive - they go mad if I make jokes about my weight!!

MayS - I totally agree that when looking for a school you should visit local riding schools and ask if they have horses big enough for you - I was told by someone whom I told my weight that they didn't have anything big enough for me, but when they saw me they said that they did. Weight is decieving and not the best way to judge size.

Getting jodhpurs and boots is another huge pain - I think its about time that people like Robinsons et al realised that we are not all a size 10 and expanded their size range - I'm fed-up of buying mens joddies and only getting a choice of black or beige!!

Anyway, rant over, thanks for listening :rolleyes:
Ooh! Sarah-B I must tell you I have today just got my lovely new black jods (they do rainbow colours too) size 22 from and they are wonderful! They do uk sizes 18-30. Cost about £40 and well worth it. Have also ordered half chaps (enormous calves) as well so am waiting to see those. I was fed up with the lack of sizes from most companies- had bought some geo rockies riding jeans but had to ship these from USA. Have a look at and see what you think.
Think I might post in cafe too as there must be more than just us here who are generously endowed.
By the way - thanks to your earlier tip I have bought a brand new Jack Ellis pro vest body protector xxl for large boobies (bargain as won ebay auction and got it for £30! They are £99 from shops) and it does fit me - although feels like a staright jacket so still not sure I will get used to it.
Have to say it is depressing ringing riding schools and also when looking at horses to buy when you have to tell your weight. I am tall so many people don't believe me when I tell them but when people hear it on the phone they are mentally picturing an unbalanced lump of lard - I just know it.
Thankfully I have now been invited to see a nice fell gelding who should be up to heaving my bulk around. I don't have the confidence to go for the big drafthorsies - gorgeous as they are. You must be very supple to get on and off TC.
What sort of saddle are you going for after all? Would be helpful to me in case I need one in the future?
Flump - thanks for that will have a look at Can you tell me where you got your riding jeans from? I'd love a pair even if they have to come from the USA!!

You will get used to the feeling of the body protector (and what a bargain you got!!) - I find it has lots of room for arm movements even if it does feel like a corset elsewhere. Just wait until you try and put it on on a cold day - it's like trying to strap an ironing board to yourself (goes all stiff!!)

Regards getting on and off TC - I am sooooooo not supple!! I am the most clumsy, inagile (sp?) person I know as well as having a scar from a motorcycle accident on my left thigh which can't help!! When I dismount I make sure no-one is looking and kind of shuffle, slide and grit my teeth as I land - the body protector makes it hard to dismount with any elegance!!

Saddle-wise I got Kay Humphries out (you can read about the saddle debacle here) and am having to spend £1100 on a nearly new Swain/Humphries Holistic saddle - it is 18" with a straight head (as that gives extra room in the seat) - it also has plastizote panels (a type of memory foam) which gives a greater degree of weight distribution making it easier for TC to carry me. Kay very kindly lent me this saddle with the intention of trying to find me a cheaper 2nd hand one - but the liklihood of finding one with the right seat size/head/panels is slim so I have been gradually wearing DH down!! :eek: It is utterly gorgeous - butter-soft leather with huge (removable) knee rolls that *make* you hold your legs right - so it's such a shame I *have* to buy it, lol!!
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I bought these jeans as recommended by a US plus riders site ( yahoo groups plussizehorsechicks). They have no back pockets so don't interfere with your seat and are quite generous. However I have just ordered these as they are same make and design but in stretch denim so might be more comfy. Delivery time was less than a week but you do sometimes have to pay an extra customs tax and DHL or who ever delivers bills you for this later - around £8 I think.
Your saddle sounds lovely - what size do they go up to seat wise?
It is high time us rubenesque riders came out of the closet! Power to the Plumpers!!
I'm 5"6 and 8 stone and my mare's a 16"1 lanky tb. She never feels too big height wise apart from maybe at the odd low level gate :D And then i really can't reach down from such a great height but hey these things are sent to try us :)

I get comments from people telling me she's too big or too much for such a little person (cheeky s*ds) but too be fair i just ignore it. Even if i had a 14h cob then it would still have more strength than me and if it wanted to take the mick it would do so i might as well have what i'm comfortable on is the way i see it.
carrimclaren said:
I'm 5"6 and 8 stone and my mare's a 16"1 lanky tb. She never feels too big height wise apart from maybe at the odd low level gate :D And then i really can't reach down from such a great height but hey these things are sent to try us :)

I get comments from people telling me she's too big or too much for such a little person (cheeky s*ds) but too be fair i just ignore it. Even if i had a 14h cob then it would still have more strength than me and if it wanted to take the mick it would do so i might as well have what i'm comfortable on is the way i see it.

As long as you can manage /control your horse... who's place is it to say it's too big!!
I help out in a yard with many shapes and sizes, and to be honest... when I first started - they were ALL stronger than me!! hehe I was too shy to push them around a bit! :rolleyes:

But now, the 15 hh horses I ride at RS no longer seem scary, and it's a fantastic feeling. :D

I started this thread scared of the 16.3 TB at my old RS but know although daunting to get on, he's no different from the smaller horses! :p

don't know if my ramblings make sense! hehe

happy Riding on your TB! ;)
Sarah-B said:
Getting jodhpurs and boots is another huge pain - I think its about time that people like Robinsons et al realised that we are not all a size 10 and expanded their size range - I'm fed-up of buying mens joddies and only getting a choice of black or beige!!

Anyway, rant over, thanks for listening :rolleyes:

I also 'shopped around' for a RS and was honest with my size. The words weight bearing came into play until they saw me!
again weight is deceiving! I've always been heavier than I seem.. I'm used to people being shocked when I say my weight.

I'm lucky that the YO and a a RI at my new RS are full figured ladies. ;) So I don't feel totally out of place.

There are some great larger jod's on 'just the jod' on ebay.. it's an ebay shop. I have the grey/black ones, and they are really stretchy in great fabric and only about £15 from what I can remember. Even with postage I'm sure they only cost £20.

The problem I stil have is with long boots! I can't get them to fit my calf - I sat in a tack shop with the lady, who was sympathetic although probably size 10! hehe tried on the biggest width boots and chaps, but both were about an inch short of what I needed.

so for now, I ride in jod boots only. :eek: not ideal, but I only do a lesson a week, and some mucking / grooming at a private stables - so clothes don't matter!

I know of a site:
that sells different measurements, but I'm worried about my measuring and them not fitting!

After all my 34" jod's fit when my waist much much bigger than 34" !!!:p
if a 16.1 tb is too big for you, then my 16.3 tb is huge for me (im 5ft5), tho i am a bit chunkier :D
i always feel like im a rugby player when i ride, im a size 10, but my shoulders a huge, its not good when your army boyfriend says he wants your shoulders because there big! :mad:
Umm non-metric....
5'6" (or 5'7") tall, just under 10 stone (converts to like 9.9 something!) and ride a 15.3hh appaloosa TB cross. He was built like a quarter horse, but had to go on a major slimming down diet due to his laminitis. He can carry me really easily, clear over 1m jumps and we often go off for random 6 hour rides, and can event and so on.
pony sizes

well im about 5 foot and i ride ponies from 12.2hh to about 15.3hh so i think if you trust that the horse you ride is ok to carry you then there shouldn't be a problem. if the pony seems strained when your riding then it is possibly too small but if it seems fine then no worries.:)

(goin off the subjest a lil' to talk about music) i noticed that 'sugarlump' had a few lines from M.C.R's helena, M.C.R rock!
(sorry had to say it)

hope the first part helps
I am new to posting on this forum (although I have been lurking for a while). This thread has given me fresh hope. I am looking to buy a horse later on this year but I am no lightweight. I have been hacking at a trecking centre which has some lovely horses that can carry my weight but so far have failed to find any schools that have horse that can take to my weight, its all too demoralising.

Sarah B - congrats on your purchase, you have given me some hope.

Purple Hugs - I got my chaps from Robertsons, they are great and look brill with my short boots.

Thanks guys this has honestly givne me a real boost.

Welcome Smudge!! Great to bring you out and posting! :)
It's a fab site, as you'll know from lurking. I don't get too much pc time these days but NR is in my top 2 things to do when sat at the pc!! :D

I'll have a look at robinsons then.. it's hard to know how to measure for them. :rolleyes:

Certainly don't give up hope because you're bigger than some.. Riding is a great way of keeping fit and I really notice the difference if I haven't ridden for a couple of weeks.

We ought to start a big girls ride thread or something!! ;)