Winter Riding Gloves


Aug 3, 2000
Now that it's getting cold outside, you might want to buy yourselves a good pair of gloves! They don't have to be specifically desinged for riding, any glove! Why, you say? (Corny line, eh?) Because there is a cheap way to make homemade riding gloves!

* Buy a pair of gloves that will keep your hands warm. Use soom fabric paint, and dot little dabs of paint on the 'inside' part of your glove (obviously where you want your grip). When it dries, the paint becomes hard, but should have a rubbery grip to them. Perfect for gripping reins!

Happy Holidays!
Maci :)
What is soom fabric paint and where can you buy it?
It sounds like a great idea as i have been using an ordinary pair of gloves but find to grip is quite hard.
Thanks, Daphne.
Fabric Paint

It's just normal fabric paint, that comes from any craft store! Mine comes in a bottle with an very slime tube where the paint comes out of, so you don't have to use a paint brush. Just make sure when you apply it, you make it into '3-D' dot's, so that when it dries you have little 'grip balls.'

Good Luck!
Maci :)
I was told the rubber dots on riding gloves were the same as dots from a glue gun!
I have a feeling that I would glue my gloves together if I tried.!
Fabric paint seams much more sensible. Alternatively If you are not very practical at things like that rubber covered reins may solve your problems
Glue Gun

Yes, that would work too! A glue gun! That also has a rubbery texture to it, and of course, sticks very well!

Good Idea!
How Could I Have Over-Looked That?
Maci :)
Hey, I think I remember my aunt doing that when I was 4 or 5 years old and lived in New York. She used to do stuff with dogs and the leashes got slippery in the winter... But I dont think she used fabric paint, I think she used a glue gun...
OK! I've just attacked an old pair of gloves with fabric paint (couldn't find mum's gluegun), so I'll let you know how they turn out! At the moment they're mucky black with bright orange dots, lol! :D