Wool Rug

Gemma R

Natural Sparkle
Nov 22, 2001
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I am after a wool rug for my Mare. Not for showing just as an under rug I prefer them to Fleece ones as the fleece one I have slips back on her and rubs her shoulders. any one know where I can get one cheaper than £100!!!!!!!!!! - why are they so expensive that is what I want to know.

Oh and if anyone knows someone getting rid of one second hand then she is a 5' 9.

a wool one could do that too!!!
i have a £30 stable rug to go under my mares rug, can't remember the make but it's good, good fit doesn't rub which is essential as my horse it very high withered, and my weave one does rub her too!! leaving white patches and sores.
if you want to know that make i can find out!! it's not very thick though about 200 grms!
In the tack shop where I work part time (in Norway) we have some lovely wool rugs that cost about £70, from a make calle Finn-Tack. As for the price of wool rugs... Good quality wool fabric is expensive.
I use old wool blankets from charity shops(single bed size) under my horses "jammies" They dont cost much at all and then when they get a bit smelly,I just throw them away and get a new one!!
Old army blankets are the best.