your online name - why ? where? what?.... come on, join in :)

well hey get this long story behind mine:

My pony is called solo and i am his mum :)

i used to be Solo And Topper but then i got rifd of topper and made anew account :)

hmmm - reckon mines is abit rubbish - wish i could change it something more relevant:rolleyes:
Well, you've probably guessed it. To be honest I only found out what an anvil was when I first started riding & we spoke about shoeing in a lesson :D Also the 83 is the year I was born, although more like 1938 sometimes the way my back aches & my joints creak.
Mine is my horses 'posh' name / show name

...never been able to use it though:p~

and OMG google that was so funny..
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