2017 Hacking/ Riding Challenge.... Add your photos too

Omg humidity is soooooo
Horrid and sticky it's like there
Is no air.:(:(:mad::mad:

I thought about going to the little one
Ring circus not far from here but
It way too nasty to be in a stuffy tent.

I feel sorry for performers .
In this heat.

I hope this breaks to play and Virginia has
Guests with horses coming.
I would not ride or play in this heat.

I want all my kids horses and goats
Hanging out snoozing in the shade.
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Rode last night for an hour. Stuck to schooling as I'm trying (trying being the operative word!) to learn an interdressage routine. Never tried it before and will need a LOT more practice before I even contemplate filming it and asking for comments! But it was good fun.

Today I went for a longish hack, the flies were bothering him a fair bit and he did play up a little as a result, but nothing major, just some head tossing. Found a nice hill and had a canter up it, and managed to sit it! Am getting there slowly but surely with this bouncy canter

Yesterday's total - 1 hour schooling.

Today's total - 13.49km in 1hr25mins.

Totals 130.74km in 22hrs plus 4 hours schooling.
Another great weekend for Harvey and I. Saturday was just a gentle hack round the block with O in preparation for Sunday's trip.

On Sunday 4 of us went to the Cotswold Farm Park Fun Ride. This is a really well organised event which they run for about 6 weekends a year. Numbers are limited to 50 for each one hour slot, but it was nowhere near full and in fact we started early. There were 54 fences graded up to 30cm, up to 60cm and over 60cm over an 11.3 mile route. The route had a very tiny bit of quiet lanes but other than that was off road and included a ford to paddle through which was great for Harvey. About half way round we found a pub (called the half way house) so we stopped for refreshments :) At the end there were ice cream available so we all had one :)

Harvey went well - I stuck to the under 60cm jumps, because he needs to gain confidence, but also because I went without gloves and my sweaty reins had almost zero grip! He jumped well but was very nappy towards other horses which I need to work on. We will definitely be going for another trip!

I don't know why I look so grumpy - I was enjoying my coke!

16 miles
4.5 hours

218 miles
64 hours 55

17 hours 45
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Mr T finally managed a potter about our fields yesterday - first time in two weeks! Only twenty minutes but lovely all the same, he always looks so happy afterwards and I'm sure Zi was smiling too:)

They both look soooooooooo relaxed!!!!:);):D
Woo hoo wish I needed long sleeves!!:rolleyes:

Humidity is down today so its for sure summer but not horrid out.
Virginia called last nite to see if her guests could come play with my obstacles today.
I only saw them briefly as they were Trailering out to
Douglas forest so I don't know much about them.
But if they were not excellent guests etc she would not ask if they could come play with me over here.
So it should be lots of fun.:D

Heading out to set up Pool Noodle obstacle and a couple other things in the grassy area near the ring.
I don't know if they play or not so I want a few things to also be out in the open a bit away from the ring flags.

I set up a new cavaletti yesterday am a zig zag across from the one near the blueberry patch.
Have to get that set up with the flower pots I potted up a couple weeks ago.:);):D

Ok yes I am a bit cavaletti crazy:rolleyes: But its fun to have lots of them to mix it up and alternate play etc.
The new cavaletti :D I really like the zig zag pattern.


the pool noodle obstacle and a couple things added to the grass for today


I also changed up the wagon wheel cavaletti for something different
I lowered every other pole

it will be fun to play later:):D
I will probably move the pool noodle to one of the rd pens
tonite for play freelonging

I can't leave anything set up in that section of grass.

I try to put the cav's in spots I can leave them though;)
Yesterdays play was ok.

I don't generally ride in the afternoon and it was not humid but the ring was a bit hot in the sun.
They did not wear helmets and one horse was a bit wired which did worry me
and I'm protective of my flowers and he was trying to sidepass an angled pole at the corner of the ring the horse flew back and knocked over some flower pots so I asked him to put the pole more in the center of the ring.

I had thought since they did not wear helmets the horses were quite and calm.

The play was a bit stressful for me.
We did ride Virginas trails after and they wanted to see the little historic cemetary.
It was cooler in the woods but the deer flies were out in force.

Guess it cant always be perfect.








I did not want to be a jerk about helmets.
But I will tell Virginia that I won't let anyone on my property w.o one.

They had trailered to other places so she may not even have known not seeing them ride on her property..
View attachment 87360 Yaye I rode the gingerbread man! Flies were out in full force tho so kinda cut things short. But anyway, twenty mins and here is a view I never get sick of.
Every time I see your photo's Im so happy for you, that is the sort of view I would never tire off either and it's so nice to see you back in the saddle too. :D
Changed up a bit of cavaletti this am
Created an L shape
to better use space to be able to put the plants and be able to
water them
I just ended up moving the ones with banner flags closer to the cement
wall out there and move the others closer I THIINK It will work good.

Not too many more potted plants coming on to move around.
When they start to pop it will be really nice.
The ones I potted up abit eary on wow they are looking awesome!!


These also started out so tiny but wow have popped and filled out:):D


I'm starting to see some small pumpkins starting :):).
They are about 1/2 the size of a lemon so far.
So comes fall I should have some home grown pumpkins to spread around
to decorate:D:).

Not sure if Virginia and I are riding today. I have not heard from her yet.
image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg Well this is becoming quite a habit lol I rode the gingerbread one again! Only a quick pootle about our place twenty mins there abouts.....he is so good, considering his size and what he was previously doing (eventing).
Love him:D and you know - my electric pants don't set him off either:pseems they only work on tiny connies!
Another short one for me and Zi today - just twenty mins but he was soooo good and it's breezy and chilly and not a hoof wrong from him! I am a bit of a sack of spuds though on him, OH keeps yelling at me to sit up! Think my stomach muscles have forgotten how to perform......haven't ridden regularly since last November, that's my excuse anyway. Oh and I had forgotten about going downhill, I never did like it much on madam but Zi makes it easy?! Maybe it's his lovely long stride???
Oh dear - I have again failed to get any pictures :(

I had a short break in Wales last week and managed to ride at Anglesey Riding Center. I did a 2 hour hack which was mostly around the the fields but ended with a flat out gallop along the beach. I had a nice home bred 16.2hh cob who was great fun. We had to have a riding assessment before we went which was a bit scary, but turned out to be just a quick trot and light seat canter around the school so I was fine.

At the weekend I took O out hacking as her mum was away and I din't think she is allowed to hack on her own. It was hot both days so on Saturday we had a gentle wander down to the ford - Harvey did me proud and almost went straight in, just a small hesitation and a bit of encouragement.

On Sunday we decided to explore the lanes the other side of the motorway, but sadly the motorway bridge crossing was too much for Harvey We got 3/4 of the way one step at a time with lots of encouragement, but it was all getting a bit too exciting for him so we came back. One for another day!

16 miles
5 hours 30

232 miles
70 hours 25

17 hours 45
Mr T rode the gingerbread man again yesterday - despite the flies which have arrived on Orkney:eek:pesky devils!! Don't miss those - I followed them around swatting whenever possible. Eeek. They did about half an hour and admired the view right at the bottom of our land which is almost totally flat and feels weirdly close to the sea. Anyway, Zi was very good and of course got his banana afterwards:D
Virginia and I were supposed to ride today but its going to be a no go.
There was supposed to be slight chance of am rain then thunderstorms tonite.

They got this forecast a bit wrong:(.
Its been raining since 4am and will keep up most of the day.

At least I don't have to water my flowers today;).
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