Big tongue options


Active Member
Oct 21, 2002
Heres one for you all

Shape of horses tongue? how should it look? I know each will be different but just querying this with Vols mouth.

He’s always put his tongue out since I’ve owned him and when i tried him. He had his teeth / back etc all checked and by different professional people to double confirm no issues. His only head shaking came with his SC saddles that didn’t fit. Since they have gone no head shaking but he will put his tongue out to the side or go round with his mouth open or tongue over bit. But his head doesn’t come up or down. His tongue is very flexible so to say. I do understand this behaviour is a reaction to pain tho and have narrowed it down to the bit.

I have tried different biting options – single joint snaffle thick and thin, French link and French link loose ring, French link fulmer, low port myler and flash and drop nose band options (tongue still pops out). Bitless is fine but not option for shows etc. I just want him to be happy in normal canvesson noseband – do not want to clamp him down to accept it

I also tried chucking the contact away – no contact and still will stick tongue out (my hand contact doesn’t seem to be the issue either)– lunged in bit no rider and same indicating bit as well. After seeing an RI we did take the come on you will route and just getting on with it and ignoring and pushing through, fine and did work but I have noticed that he will go round carrying himself in a natural outline but his mouth wide open and ether tongue out or drawn back again all indicators to pain association which not happy to carry on riding with.

Rode last night and he just seems to be evading it quietly – everything else is in place now so to say but he doesn’t look comfy with his bit at all and I just hate it and want to solve it for him. I had a look in his mouth when I got off to have a good nosy and there seemed to be a good bit of tongue behind where the bit lay. Like lower end of tongue was ok but tongue behind that looks rather big deformed and a lot of it all bunched up behind the bit. Rather odd shape and quantity. Looks uncomfy anyway with the bit in. I Know a thick tongues and low palates often cannot bear the discomfort of a single-joint snaffle so gonna have to steer clear of them

Any ideas on solution? Have my trusty RI this weekend and quite excited to let her have a look but wondering anyone has come across this before?
Tali has a huge tongue and does similar. Her is so big she cant close her front teeth together without a bit as her tongue gets in the way! We've never been able to find a bit that would totally help as it is just too big for her dainty little mouth.

Routes you could try are very thin bits such as bridoons to give more room. Also having 'bit seats' carved in to their teeth by dentists can help give more room. Perhaps a JP type bit - they are curved to allow more room.

Hope you find a solution!
I used to ride Charlie (who fusses with his tongue all the time) in a straight bar happy mouth dead simple maybe it's all the links that cause the fussing. I don't think it's that uncommon to see horses with their tongues out, possibly trying to evade any polite requests, and here we are breaking our backs trying to make them happy!
Some horses just like to hang their tongues out no matter what bit you put in, known a few horses that have done this no matter what bit is in their mouths.

If he is evading the contact then as you said your RI might be able to come up with something.

i know thats u nicole hiding under scots name - even more so from the other posts

hilarious :D

Thanks for other replies dcp and tasha
not ideal but have you tried a hackamore or a cherry roller?

Rock actually did this when he was first backed, so he's in good company! I went back to a mullen mouth eggbutt. He just didn't want to play with that at all, because technically there is nothing to play with so he just kept his tongue still and inside his mouth for once :rolleyes:
not ideal but have you tried a hackamore or a cherry roller?

Rock actually did this when he was first backed, so he's in good company! I went back to a mullen mouth eggbutt. He just didn't want to play with that at all, because technically there is nothing to play with so he just kept his tongue still and inside his mouth for once :rolleyes:

will give it a try ! thanks for info :)

I do notice because he is so interested in smacking his tongue off the side of his face that he lacks concentration. Not ideal but hoping we can find an option to work through it. I just think he likes to keep me on my toes :D