bit -just right or still too big?


Well-Known Member
what do you think of this bit size for Minnie? Just right or still too big?
Hard to tell, looks about right - might need to go up one more on the cheek pieces if she finds it uncomfortable that low but it looks ok. Should be approx one finger space between face and bit ring each side
I'd like to see when the reins are pulled taught as well. Is it the same on both sides? I'm trialling a bit at the moment and wondering about its fit as well!! Mindfield!
I know. This is a 5.5". My TB wears 5" bits. I could try a 5" and see if it's too narrow.

I looked around and there are 5.25" bits available but for some reason the brands available in 5.25" are the expensive bits... :eek:
Minnie's mouth must be just the same size as Ziggy's. His 5.5" bit looked like that on him - just a little tad loose - and the 5" was ooo pinchy ouchie ouchie.

A 5.25" is just just right. But yes, you're right, it's a Neue Schule Salox and cost more than £80 :smoke:
alright Jane. I'll blame you then. I ordered a Herm Sprenger Dynamic Aurigan in 5.25 for $150 (yikes)
Luckily on this one shipping to me and returns (if it doesn't fit) is free.
Of course at that price it may just be like your case: it will fit fab and I'll be stuck with it...