Broard soil analysis data


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2004
Suffolk, UK
I just found a great website, which you can look at different data for soil analysis in your area on a map, very interesting to see the variations in some of the major minerals between different areas. Its only in percentiles but still interesting to see. Apparently our area is low (0 or 10%) for everything that horses need, explains why I've found it more vital to supplement vits & minerals since living here.
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Which categories did you search under? At the moment it's just telling me the selenium figure and I'm not sure what else to look at, very clever though!
On a desktop its in the top right corner, there is a red + and it brings up a pop up, then scroll down and select different minerals from the left column. On a phone its a layer symbol at the bottom :)
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Thanks for sharing this @Jessey I've shared with a few friends who are all barefoot owners and they all love it! They're very grateful!
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There was a soil analysis done years ago for our area and certain things were deficient. I'd be interested to know how often the re analysis.
You can have a soil analysis done of your own land. Not sure what they do test for. But I don't think it was that expensive.
Most of the country is selenium and cobalt deficient that's why many wormers have sc after there name as it's added in.
You can have any of it tested if you want to, it's not terribly expensive for basics but some things bump the price up as they're harder to analyse. It tends to be aimed at farmers more than horse owners because farmers will enhance the land to support the crops they grow using specific supplementation as it will increase their yields, horse owners normally just blanket treat.