Disgusted with myself!


Active Member
Apr 14, 2008
Badiddlyboing, Odawidaho
I've been working hard with Sham this week to get her standing at the mounting block, and nine times out of ten she'll stand like a rock. I decided that she's being such a good girl because we've been working in a headcollar and no hat, so Friday I put her saddle on and she was just as good.

So yesterday, I got the urge to actually get on, so I got someone to help me just in case, lined her up, waited to make sure she was steady, put my foot in the stirrup, almost got on and my bloody arthritic knee locked up just as I was springing up.

It's never done that before, and the pain was excrutiating - bad enough to make me cry out, and I was off the block with my foot in the stirrup. The pain was too bad to continue up so I had to get off.

I gave myself a minute or two, then tried again, and managed to get up, but I couldn't get her to walk forward, she kept running back, and I had to have a lead just to get her moving forward.

I got off after about ten minutes feeling so despondent. :(

I'm trying so hard to focus on the fact that Sham stood to let me get on a second time even though I'd scared her, and I actually got back on and at least sat on her, but I just feel now I've gone ten steps back.

To add insult to injury, I've got a bad attack of tennis elbow at the moment, so when I unsaddled her on the yard I couldn't manage my saddle and Sham, and a yard mate, a seventy year old man, had to come and rescue my saddle!

Oh the joys of aging!
Oh dd don't be too upset - there's so many positives about this! Your training has so obviously paid off as she was able to cope when you were in pain. And I seriously believe you are not right back where you started again. Believe me I have had the mounting problem plague me for a couple of years, we had many set backs when I'd fall off during mounting and scared my horse but it wouldn't take him long to be relaxed at the block again.

I hope you're feeling better soon mrs x
Ouch - I do feel for you. Ageing is a complete pain I the neck isn't it, if only we appreciated youth when we had it (speaking to myself) have you tried any supplements to help with your achy bits?
Thanks - I might have guessed my NR friends would get it all back into perspective!

I've got some Devil's Claw (capsules and ointment) but I can't remember to keep going with it. As you probably know, it has a cumulative effect so you can't miss any doses out.

I really shouldn't have got on from the mounting block at all really (I'm following a programme and should really be using another method to get on while the training's in progress) but she's been so good about it all, in spite of being hyper because of the tiny amounts of spring grass she's managing to find.

Oh well, onwards and upwards as they say!

Interestingly, when I was on her for over an hour at a show last summer, I'd hurt my toe, right where the seam of my boot sits, and I was more aware of the pain than my nerves, and the same thing seemed to happen last night. Maybe pain is a good distraction for me, and I should perhaps have a friend standing by with a piece of 4x2 to smack me with if I get the wibbles!
I wouldn't worry - horses are quite perceptive and if it was painful for you, she probably picked up on that and thats why she ran backwards.

Tobes was a right git for standing when I was nervous. Oddly enough he stands like a rock for me now - unless there is grass anywhere near in which case he will stand like a rock, but not necessarily in the position I would like him in!!

Am sure she will be fine. Awful all the aches and pains that come along!