DIY livery - how do you manage yourselves? Am i doing enough?

I visit my horses at least twice a day when they are out and 3 times when they are in over night. There is no one else there to check on them so I feel these visits are a must. I would worry otherwise.

So would i. I get away with only checking mine once a day as my yard owner lives on site and can see the horses from her window........
Put a rubber football in the trough to help stop it freezing and if possible fill nets up and hang them around the field or feed hay from a specially designed feeder. Ideally someone should check them over if you are only going up once a day.
My daily rountine starts like this:
Get up around 6:45, go down to yard (if its my turn me and my friend take turns doing the horses in the morning).
Give them both their breakfast & change rugs
then either ride or
Turn out
Go home and go to 6th form.

Back down at 2ish if i am riding at the moment or if not around 5.30 6ish to muck out, change water, make feeds.
Then bring her in, change her rug and give her tea and put her to bed :) I have to be around twice a day to turn out and bring in plus rug changes :rolleyes:
Mine routine varies a little depending on the day due to 6th form lessons and whien i can get a lift
But all 3 of the horses get turned out between 6-7 either by my mum or myself i then put hay in the field, muck out and keep the bed up untill i go back down between 2-4 depending on lessons. I then put the bed daown, make feeds, water, haynet, get them in, ride, groom rug up and put them to bedi usually get home around 8 if i go down at 2 i ride all 3 but if at 4 onli nomally 1 as 2 lots takes time :rolleyes:
If i cant get to the yard there are lots of people that will turn them out for me till i can get their.
If yours are on grass livery i think 1nce a day is enough as long as they have plenty of hay they will be fine.:)
I think that if you can't arrange with other owners so that all horses are checked and have adequate hay/water at least twice a day if would be fairer to move to a livery yard.

It's not really fair on the horses leaving a pile of hay and hoping it will last them 24 hours. Also they might get ill, caught up in a rug or goodness knows what else.

Someone else suggested a rota with other owners at the field. This sounds like a good idea.

Whatever you do, make sure they are always checked twice a day!
I go up before I drop the kids to school and head off to work. The horses come in for their feed and while I am waiting I will bung out their haylage, as soon as they finish their feed they are turned out and I head off to school.

The routine is much the same in the evening although I ride before feed time.

The morning visit takes me 15 minutes max!

Dont worry its all change and once you get into a routine it will be ok. Before I started work, after I had finished uni I went up every day to feed/ride/check her over. Now I am at full time work, I cannot do that. By the time I finish work, at the moment it is pitch black so I cannot go up to see her. I am lucky, my mum goes up in the day to feed her and put a hay net out. She lives out all the time so its ideal. There are also many people at the stables, but you dont need to make it difficult/hard/unenjoyable. I poo pick at weekends mum does a bit in the week if she can. I have sectioned off some of my field too. We used to put a ball in the bath to help stop freezing, luckily down here we have not had much frost/ice yet. Hope I have helped in some way :)
We are on DIY livery and we only go up once a day!
When the water freezes over,the YO breaks the ice and we put enough hay out for the horses.
I know its best for the horses to be checked more than once a day but in reality they can usually cope with just one check and feed if they are living out and they have a hayring or something where you can put a decent amount of hay for them to chomp on.

It's quite difficult to check a horse in the field if its really dark as even with a torch you can't quite see everything esp if they are muddy and with it being dark before I start work and dark when I finish I rely on the yard to check my and feed my pony in daylight as he lives out in a huge field half a mile away from the yard. I went away for one week and he was only being checked once a day and athough I was worried about him when I came back he was fine and in great condition as he was getting plenty to eat and nice and snug in his rug.

Also if you are at a place where there is more than one person then I am sure if they go down to the field and anything was wrong they would let you know - I know I would if I noticed anything was wrong with the other horses living out.
if someone else is at the yard and can see your horses and would notice if something was wrong (and do something about it!) then i think you are fine with going up once a day. How far away is your yard from home and what kind of ours do you work, would it not be possible to fit in a quick 10 mins visit to check, break ice and throw in some hay either in the morning or evening depending on when you have the most time.

I must admit though as a teen with my own pony i would visit twice a day both in summer when they live out (which was literally just a check in the morning and i'm sure i was the only one who went up) and in winter when in overnight and sometimes i do wonder how i managed to do the early mornings, back home from the yard at 7pm then having to get all my homework done and still managed to get good grades in my gcse's and a and how people manage when they work full time i will never know, hats off to you all