Does Yours Have Theirs Ears Forwards More Than Back?


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2008
Just curious because friends pony rarely has them alert. So i got to thinking, is it using more muscles to have them forwards or backwards?

This is the cob and a younger member of the herd, who would have come to me for a fuss had she not been blocked by the cob wanting all of me to herself.

Flip's are pretty mobile aswell, unless out on a ride where they face the direction he wants to go in (back the way on our route outward, facing forward once we turn towards home again).
Ours nearly always have their ears forwards - except when they are drooping out sideways :giggle: Mouse only puts his ears back if another pony is trying to butt in while he's having cuddles with his mum :D
Sounds similar here then Joosie.

What is interesting is i rarely catch her, if i call her and one of the others heads my way she shifts! No way is another horse getting to me first.

The one in pic is only 3 bless her, but guess its all part of the learning the boundaries process.
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Rosies - pretty much back when other horses are around, forward/side when humans around. She is a very dominant mare

Moets - always forward and nice to other horses! well thats until she discovers food around!

Major - always forward, he is a happy chappy!
Ziggy's - mostly forward; flickering when I am riding him, because he knows he needs to pay attention to me occasionally! Droopy to the sides when dozy and only back when argy bargy happening between him and fieldmates.

Mattie - never back, he is far too meek. Out to the side when someone is bossing him about (which happens all the time) and he sidles off muttering, "Je m'excuse".
Hehee love that pic!
Storm's are waggly when I am riding her - pricked and alert out hacking. Chloe's are never back! Bless, she is so good natured! Slightly back if her mud fever is sore and Mr T is attending to her legs.
mine are both quite friendly on the whole :)

ears tend to be in 'neutral' (they're both pretty chilled!) when they're out and about. when ridden angel's stay in 'neutral donkey' mode. appley's are forwards when she's up to no good ahem! they sometimes go back when I ask her to do schooling stuff, out on hacks she's in relaxed 'trekking mode', when she's unsure, she'll turn one back to me for reassurance, bless her.
With Tobes, always forward or if we ride, backwards and forwards flicking.

When I call him he comes cantering up and if anyone else is in the way he charges, ears flat back, biting and then kicking - bad pony!

No-one else is allowed anywhere near me when it is coming in time!