Foal therapy


Jane&Sid these days!
Apr 30, 2010
Surrey Hills
My friend Carol, who has helped me to look after Ziggy since 3 weeks after I got him and was with me when he died, also looks after some miniature gypsy cobs for their (settled) traveller owner. He breeds them, of course, and all 3 mares had healthy foals this year. Carol thought it might perk me up to visit them, so I did, and it did...

A few photos from the photo fest. This little colt in the first photo is 2 months old. He is unwanted (the owner only wants fillies) and he says Carol can have him if she likes. He is adorable. His name is Wonky. Don't imagine that I haven't wondered whether he might like to come and live with Mattie... If he were to make 14hh I would grab him like a shot, but it'll only be 13hh tops :(.

Second photo is his lovely chestnut rabicano mum, a gorgeous mare, only about 13hh but wider across the chest than Ziggy was!

3rd photo - mum and son

4th - hug therapy. You can see how little they are. Wonky is a real pet and already polite and calm to handle, gives his feet and steps back when you ask.

5th and 6th photos - the owner's second string stallion, a blue blagdon. His head's not perfect, he has a touch of a Roman nose, but what a physique! There are two stallions living in stables made from shipping containers, and they are very cheerful and nice to handle. They must have great temperaments.

As you can see, I was thoroughly cheered up :)

Oh wow love them, especially the stallion! I actually love a Roman nose. I can see why you found them therapeutic.
Lovely :) You know you want Wonky..............;):DMaybe Wonky might grow bigger than anticipated...........................
Seriously, looks like a lovely way to spend some time. They are all lovely looking.
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Very nice, and it looks like he keeps them in good nick too :)

If he made mum's build would 13hh be an issue? Looks like she'd take up a lot of leg & looking at Wonky he's not going to be a fragile little lad either! As long as there's enough length of back to fit a saddle that you can ride in (& you look slim) then I wouldn't discount the idea if you'd like a baby to play with. Mum certainly looks as though saddle fit wouldn't be that hard . . .
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Have to say, I'm shocked that Hogan feels pretty big to me, at 13hh. Both in the saddle and on the ground. I did almost cancel going to see him, being 13hh, - SO glad I didn't! He's been wonderful therapy after the loss of Ramsey, precisely because he's been a project, and I couldn't just get on and go.
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Wonky is adorable, for what it's worth I almost bought a 13hh cob (looked like the stallion) when my friend was selling him, I rode him a few times with no problem and I'm 5ft 6in, I actually looked fine on him, the only reason I didn't buy him is because I know in my heart I just don't have the time for two. I think he'd be a lovely 'therapy' foal for you and possibly good company for Mattie but regardless I'm glad the cuddles helped you feel a little bit better today.
Ideal therapy but I am not into wanting a foal.
If you need talking out of one look no further.

As for height I am glad mine isn't bigger!
Solid types I am happy with 13.1hh plus.
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Wonky is lovely but don't do it on the rebound from grief. You have 4 years keeping before you can do anything, and I remember vividly the terrible twos with Fleurette.