Hacking confidence is improving

Mary Poppins

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2004
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Since I have set my sights on doing a sponsored ride (something that excites and terrifies me at the same time), I have decided that I really need to work on my hacking fears. We have 250 acres of off road hacking, but I tend to stick to 3 fields that I feel safe in. They are huge fields and we have a good blast, but we have further fields that I haven't really venutured into.

So, on Tuesday I went hacking with a friend and her slightly spooky pony. We right right down to the edge of our land, through some paths, along some knee length grass and round some of the big bottom fields. We walked and trotted and I asked Ben to leave her horse and we went off and had a long trot round on our own before rejoining her horse. I was nervous and tense throughout, but we did it.

On Wednesday, we did the same thing but walked the whole route on a long rein. The nerves were much reduced and Ben was a star. I even enjoyed it!!

I am starting to realise why people like hacking. It was actually nice to have a good chat with my friend without feeling terrified. The sponsored ride may not get done this year, but I will do one at some point.
It sounds like it went really well. I remember when we were on our last yard we had some super hacks and I surprised myself, because prior to that I'd only ever really been in the school or just around the yard - it pushed me outside my comfort zone and what amazed me was I actually enjoyed it and felt relaxed. Schooling is great, but hacking is also nice when you can relax and have a bit of a natter on the way around. I am looking forward to enjoying it again with OH when he gets a riding horse - it's not the same on my own as I can't go so far without Chloe being lonely (which is understandable as we only keep the two atm).
Sounds like a good approach MP. Just investing some time in pushing your boundaries a little bit each ride will help you get there eventually. I've got to a point where I'm bored with the hacking routes we generally take around my area and I'm now looking to extend my perimeter. I may get back on the ground and walk him for bits of it just to check we're ok, even though I know he will be, but whatever I need to feel confident. Who cares when you get that sponsored ride done - this year next year whenever, no timetable to stick to.
I think you are going about it just the right way.

Having a goal is really good, in an odd way, frightening though it is, it pushes you on a bit and then you do it and realise its OK and you get onto another level.

I am going on a fun ride on Sunday. I have lost the safety blanket of my best riding mate with her very safe cob as we moved yards due to her new boyfriend - grr!!!, and am going with a livery at my new yard whose TB is just as stressy, if not more, than Tobes!!

But we have a plan of being tacked up when we load, hers goes nuts if she loses sight of the horse she travels with, so we have that pegged, and we are off on a reccey tomorrow evening.

We will also ride super early Sat am as she is taking another livery to a show, and get a good blast in so it is semi out of their systems by Sunday, and we are sympathetic enough to each others horses to know what to do in times of a meltdown!

Ben is an exceptionally good boy and you are very lucky to have him! But with proper support, which you have, you will get there, and in the meantime you will push your boundaries a bit further in order to get there which is good.

Sounds really fab, and really well done. Not easy.
One of the things I love about NR is that I can post about the small things (although which are huge to me), and other people understand. Thanks for your nice comments.
It's fantastic to hear about you enjoying a hack. I live for hacking and I always want everyone else to like it as much as I do!

ETA and the competing you do would scare the cr*p out of me. Never mind driving a lorry!
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Fantastic! Well done and I'm really pleased you quite enjoyed it.

Out of everything we've tried (not a lot I know) hacking is my all time favorite horsey pastime.
It's funny what we worry about though out hacking as I'm the opposite to you and feel a lot safer hacking on road, we have a huge field off our yard that leads to the bridle path, love the path but going across that huge open field gives me the collywobbles sometimes. So I already think your massivley brave for doing that and going out to competitions and such like. Look how far you've come MP, you'll be doing your fun ride before you know it.
One of the things I love about NR is that I can post about the small things (although which are huge to me), and other people understand. Thanks for your nice comments.

And thats why, although there are an ever decreasing amount of people on here - was looking for Joyscarer about curb straps for a Neue Schule bit, and she isn't here anymore - that we stay here - til there's no-one left at all!! People here are really supportive and understanding which is fab.
Well done MP confidence is a fragile thing and there is no such thing as a small thing when it cones to it and i think especially with horses :)
Sounds like you had a great time and went about it in the best way possible :)
I predict fun rides and beaming smiles in the not too distant future :)
I would never in a million years go off to the competitions you go to and drive a lorry and have gone yourself to me that is as scary as it comes!! Your very very brave MP and dedicated :)
Good for you, you are progressing, that's the main thing. I can remember one of your posts way back where you couldn't even get out, so you have made great progress :smile: