Help in training for lead rein.


New Member

I have a Welsh A mare who is 8 yrs old, I'm wanting to train her to become a good lead rein pony for my kids but I'm not sure where to start.

She is broken and fine to ride, she's great in traffic, but she can be very forward going and can rush off, she can also be jumpy at certain things altough she is lovely natured and I think just a bit nervous.

She hasn't had anything done with her for about 9 months due to me being pregnant, so now I'm fit and able agian :p I want to start training her and riding her a little myself, obviously I need to build this up slowly but I'm unsure where to start and what sort of things I would be best doing to make her a good lead rein pony.

So if anyone has an idea of a training programme I could be doing any ideas would be much appreciated!

ps We don't have a school to use although there is one reasonably near I could hire occasionally, but I do have somewhere I could lunge/long rein/lead that is off road.

Thank you!
I would long rein as much as possible, get her working from your voice

Also, practise trot ups in hand etc with bridle, roller and side reins to keep her straight

Thats what i'd so anyway :p
If it was me I'd ride her regularly to get her into a routine of work and the habit of being calm and quiet, and then start introducing her to in-hand sessions - I should think that a pony who is calm and well-behaved under saddle would not really need much more training to get them suitable for lead-rein work. In fact sometimes I think some ponies actually behave better on the lead rein - we have a couple at the RS who are perfect when being led with tiny little riders on board but are absolute bombs when being ridden by the experienced kids!
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I would get her into as many new environments and situations as possible. If there's one thing a leadrein pony must be, it's quiet. Can she deal with possibly unbalanced children bouncing on her back? Squeals of delight (i.e. high pitched loud noises)? Does she walk and trot immediately on command and without rushing? These are all things you need to focus on. Pick one and start training!

Find some local shows, not to show, just to familiarize her with it all. Take her to them to get her used to the atmosphere of other kids, other ponies, trailers, trucks, possibly a dog or two... When she can handle that without batting an eye, she'll be ready, temperament wise, to do leadrein.
Thanks everyone, I'll start working on her asap! :)

She's already great with the kids, there are always tots running around and giving her cuddles! Traffic and dogs and other animals also aren't a prob, lawnmowers, tractors and load noises don't seem to bother her either, although she does have a good look if she sees other horses in fields. :p

The main problem is her rushing, when someone is on her she tends to rush in walk and trot, even if I'm leading her, any tips on how I can slow her down? :confused:

Does her tack fit her? She may be rushing because of pain somewhere in her back??

She needs to respect you and trust you will get her out of scary situations if she is rushing off without you she doesnt respect you. You need to do more ground work with her. Give her confidence and learn to walk or trot at the side of you and never leave you. That way you will have the perfect little lead rein pony. :)