help on space saving ideas?-tack storage


New Member
Apr 15, 2009
I am looking for some advice on storing tack and stuff on a yard with very little storage space? Any ideas - for example the best way to store rugs and dry out wet ones, feed, bridles etc. thanks!:confused::)
Just for yourself or several liveries?

I've always hung my rugs in my stable from three of the walls! Plaited bailer twine attached securely to large screws are great for storing rugs and drying them out.

I keep my tack in my car boot (not sure if thats helpful!). Have you got ANY storage facilities at all?
I have noticed rugs being returned from the rugwash in shrink wrapped bags and they are much smaller.I am tempted to buy some vaccum bags locally and hoover the air out myself to save on storage space.
Pop a chain or a few bits of bailing twine up in your stable to store rugs over.
Feed in metal dustbins anywhere you can find space.
Bridles and saddle should maybe live in your car if nowhere safe on the yard, or buy a metal safe and keep them in that, but make sure it's secured down/hidden from view otherwise it's easy to steal.
thanks for the ideas- there is prob room for about 1 box to store stuff but its the storing of rugs etc that are in use or wet that is the prob. Is it ok to tie them up in the stable then? Do they dry well? Will have to see if it is possible to put some screws up! do you tie them to one wall and let them hang down the wall or try and stretch them out a bit?:confused:

This might sound silly but does it do any damage to bridles/saddles to be stored flat in car and not on hooks/racks? :D

I have a big plastic chest that I store my rugs in when they're not used. Whilst having rugs out to dry over rope is ok, I prefer to get a length of the smaller guage gutter pipe over the top to ease the pressure.

I would also recommend using loads of plastic stacking boxes - you can never have too many :p
I have a bit plastic circle thing with five hooks coming off of it (bought in IKEA, made for bathrooms) I can hang it off of one nail and I put my headcollars, bridle on that which saves a bit of room.
You can use long wooden poles, with heavy duty string/chain either side, nailed into the walls of the stable to hold up your rugs, to let them dry out.