Jess update, again, I'm sure you are all bored of it by now


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2004
Suffolk, UK
So the shoes came off nearly 3 weeks ago, and the vet wanted her buted for a few days so she was shut in the corral, I expected tantrums but she has been remarkably good about it, I haven't seen her throw her toys out once :) the bute didn't seem to make much of a difference (1g per day for 3 days) so gave up on that. I've been aggressively treating for thrushy, infectiony nasties, and her feet have changed massively, I've also been walking her daily and she is happy to do a mile again, its the highlight of her day :D

Farrier came to trim her last night and after first trot up his statement of lameness was 'I've never competed on a polo pony that sound' which I guess is good that she's looking better but did make me cringe a bit. Then he commented 'she's going to come sound and we will never know what happened' which given last time he saw her he was talking about her never coming sound enough to be ridden again is huge :D He started talking about fancy shoes again and I had to stop him, every time we have interfered she gets lamer so I insisted I just want her trimmed back quite hard to get her foot back (those toes get long so fast and her heels follow forwards and underrun at the same speed) and get her back to ground zero so she can build the foot how she needs it, which he agreed, with her, is probably the smart choice. After the trim she was very slightly sore on the road, but I expected that, and she seems fine in the corral this morning.
Day after shoe removal
Before trim yesterday
After trim
I'm desperate to get her back out on track, she's getting fat just stood around eating hay all day, but I'm scared of my grass at the moment, the weather last week has sent it into overdrive and right now it is lush, luminous green and notably growing from morning to evening visits :eek: putting her on and off it causes temper tantrums, so I am seriously considering spending a couple of hours tonight putting a few hundred meters of electric fence up to make the track much narrower and avoid the really lush areas just so she can go back out again.
You agree definitely taking the right approach (and not boring us at all!) Hooves take time to grow, so time you must give them.

My "new"grass is phenomenal :eek: The boys are only in a third of it but Albi is like a brick outhouse and going into a fatty paddock tomorrow (when we've built it!) and I have to careful with Jack because of his Cushings.
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Sounds like she's doing well, from not being told she won't be sound enough for ridden work! Hopefully your on the right track now.

Putting up the electric fence so she can go out without having too much lush grass sounds like a good idea :)
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I'm really fascinated by this story, but I feel a rank beginner even though Ziggy is barefoot. What story do you see in your series of pictures of her lame/sound hooves?
I'm really fascinated by this story, but I feel a rank beginner even though Ziggy is barefoot. What story do you see in your series of pictures of her lame/sound hooves?
:D just as I think I see one it disappears like mist :p I have more a series of observations;
1st pic she has Long toes, lots of flare, WLD and the overall foot looks twisted (the two halfs are not reflections of one another), she's moving very much inside heel to outside toe
2nd one, foot much more even, heels more underrun, fog looks like its rotting away and folding over, thrush in sole
3rd, heels really running away, thrush in sole, bars folding over, frog still crappy, foot looks twisted again
4th WL more even, bars better, frog narrowed but less rotten, thrush in sole
5th bars folded over and moving towards tip of frog, built a toe callous, frog is elongated
6th (was prepped for a shoe) bars still near tip of toe, heels underrun
7th (shoes just removed) Long toes, heels came back a little, frog looks to be improving, foot more even side to side
8th long toeslots of false sole, flaring, WLD & more length on outside again, thrush gone, frog and sole good and dry, heels underrun
9th heels brought back, frog shorter and wider than 5/6, WLD (maybe looks worse because of amount of false sole), toes shorter (both sets of xrays showed this to be a problem with her), heels wider. The right bar is still bugging me, that waviness to it looks wrong somehow.

Interestingly the Xrays at almost the same times as 1 and 4 were virtually identical, less flare when 4 was done but heels more underrun by then but medio lateral balance was good in both????? that I don't get
Super happy, she just trotted down the field 100% :D really swinging and moving, praying it lasts :D

I moved the fences about, took me 2 hours and then I couldn't face leaving her on the whole lot, so she's got a strip of about 25M x 3M with minimal grass on it and I'll gradually make it longer.
It looks like you still have a crack in the sulcis in the last two.
Is it possible that the lameness was deep rooted thrush?
The heels look contracted as well.
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My knowledge of feet is limited but whatever the reason, I'm so so pleased to hear that she seems to have turned the corner. To hear the words 'she's going to come sound...' must have been wonderful:D
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It looks like you still have a crack in the sulcis in the last two.
Is it possible that the lameness was deep rooted thrush?
The heels look contracted as well.
We can only hope, I am continuing my all out thrush attack, another soak planned for tomorrow :)
On a superbly exciting note
She's been doing a mile a day in hand so I figured half that with me on might be okay, she was a little tentative on the road so I stopped by the house and put her boots on and storming norma is all I can say :D
Thrush can effect horses in different ways.
Staying bare and just booting looks promising. She will grow what she needs.

Just see how you go. Glad she is improving. :)
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