Loan 15.1 AA


New Member
Dec 19, 2005
Must stay at current yard in Woodham.

Not a novice ride.

Gaetano is a 15 year old 15.1hh Anglo Arab. He hasn't done much for the past 12 months so would need at little fittening. He has done dressage (RC and BD to Elementary) and showing classes. He will hack alone, or in company but better with company. He must not jump due to DJD. He has had DJD for seven years and easily managed without bute. I will continue to pay for his supplements. I have had him for eleven years now.

He is a good doer. He was OK to be clipped two weeks ago. He doesn't have any vices and is very good to catch, shoe and load. He will not do lone turn out, and he can’t be left on his own.

He can be a bit onward bound and fresh. He is ridden in a snaffle bit. I don’t use a martingale or any other gadgets to ride him in. He is brilliant with traffic, but does not like things in hedges. He can be a bit sharp and spooky but never nasty, hence not a novice ride.

Possible opportunity to compete next year.

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