Moulting yet? PPID? I'm worried


Jane&Sid these days!
Apr 30, 2010
Surrey Hills
I'm sure that in previous years Ziggy would have been a little walking cloud of falling fluff by now. This year he's not shedding at all yet, and I'm worried. He was diagnosed with low level PPID last autumn and I know that some horses with the condition keep a long coat throughout the year, which honestly I really hate :(

Who else's horse is moulting yet? And will mild PPID cause coat retention?
Medicated Jack didn't start shedding until April. Unmedicated naked Jack starting shedding in January!!! He's an enigma, that boy!!!!
We have a mixture on our yard. Jack started shedding a few weeks ago but he seems to have put the brakes on now. I seem to remember this stop start situation happening last year too. Raf is fully clipped but I know it must be getting on for coat change time because he's getting rubs on his shoulders from his rug, despite his anti-rub vest. He always gets rubs when he's changing coats. I think @Flipo's Mum is right - it isn't time to worry just yet :)
Zi is not shedding yet, madam lost some fluffs a few days ago and Chloe is same as ever - as in not a lot to be lost! So another with a mixed bag really. Storm still has her sheeps wool along her sides.
Billy is moulting like mad and has been since new year. Hes so sweaty when I work him and he comes back and wants to rub as hes itchy. As I cant clip him without sedation I went mad and scissored off under his belly a couple of days ago. It looks silly but it has helped as he was relatively dry underneath after his ride tonight but up the sides he was soaked.
Chunky has been moulting a bit the last couple of weeks but he was clipped back in October. Contemplating clipping him this weekend as he is sweating quite a bit but they were forecasting another bitter cold snap from the 22nd although that looks as though it might have changed. Was thinking just a trace clip but girls were having saddle slip so it's all coming off if I decide to go mad.

Maybe Ziggy knows theres still cold weather to come.
Faran is casting just now, I gave him a hot towel bath today and my towels were full or hair.

I clipped Kia in Nov and he looked fresh clipped at this time of year, his coat was a mystery as if I didn’t clip him he still had winter coat in June :rolleyes:
I've had a few hairs out of my mob but it's early for them yet, Jess wasn't into her summer coat until well into May last year and the boys were even later.
Oddly I’ve been thinking the exact same thing @Jane&Ziggy
Belle is normally shedding by now but this year next to nothing so far and I’ve been worrying about PPID too :(
Pete's just started to moult this last week, but I think he's one of the first on the yard.
Hogans not losing any yet, but it's his first winter with me, so don't know when he would normally. I don't think I expect much for a few more weeks. Ramsey,who is full on cushings will shed by april/may, and I'll be clipping him out by July! And again early September.